Page 36 - Mended Hearts-HeartGuide
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CAREGIVER TIPS                 The Caregiver’s Role in Recovery

ƒƒ Communicate how you         Heart patients count on medical experts, nurses, and rehabilitation staff to be
     are feeling.              with us on our journey to heart health. Often our friends and family are with
                               us too—listening to our diagnoses, reviewing test results, waiting for us after
ƒƒ Allow time to grieve the    surgery, picking up medications, and doing so much more. Caregivers help us
     lack of normal.           cope with new or evolving health issues and get well. This section covers ways
                               that caregivers can stay strong, healthy, and positive throughout this journey.
ƒƒ Reflect on the journey
     —in writing.              Stay Informed
                               Heart disease is no doubt unfamiliar territory for many caregivers. This
ƒƒ Educate yourself about      HeartGuide will help you, as a caregiver, get familiar with this new world and
     the disease.              what your loved ones can expect before and after treatment. As a partner with
                               the patient and medical staff, you can listen and learn alongside your loved one
ƒƒ Get involved in your loved  as they go through this process.
     one’s care.
                               Acknowledge Your Experiences
ƒƒ Involve others who          Caregivers to heart patients may be affected physically and emotionally by this
     can help.                 experience. It’s frightening when a loved one gets this diagnosis. And suddenly
                               being around machines and health professionals in a busy medical setting can
ƒƒ Visit with other Mended     be stressful.
     Hearts members.
                               All of this can create feelings of anxiety and depression or resentment at the
ƒƒ Eat right.                  disruption to your life. You may at times feel guilty, thinking you are somehow
ƒƒ Rest—get sleep and          responsible for your loved one’s heart condition.

     take breaks.              We’ve experienced these issues too and gotten past them with time and
                               support. If you think counseling would alleviate any of these feelings, ask your
Learn more at                  health team for a referral. Ask questions. Don’t go it alone. and at
the Caregiver Action Network,  Stay Cool       We can become overprotective of loved ones in heart recovery. Our mission
                               becomes protecting them from further harm. These sentiments are also
                               normal, but can cause feelings of anger, frustration, and worthlessness if the
                               patient cannot live up to our expectations. So try to understand the recovery
                               process and be there for support, but don’t overdo it. Balance your love and
                               support with a willingness to step back and let your family member chart his or
                               her own course to heart health.

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