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Heart Disease
and Heart Events
YOU SAY CARDIO, Understanding Heart Disease and Heart Events
We start our journey to heart health by learning about common heart diseases
Chances are you’ve heard the and heart events, such as heart attacks. Heart disease is a broad phrase that
phrases that describe “heart describes conditions that affect the heart’s valves, muscle, and coronary arteries
problems”—heart disease, heart and the sac around the heart. Each of these components plays a critical role in
failure, heart attack, or even heart function—the valves make sure the blood is pumped in the right direction,
peripheral artery disease (PAD) the muscle pumps the blood the body needs, and the coronary arteries carry
and cardiovascular disease. blood to the heart muscle. When functioning properly, this system is like a well-
What do they all mean? oiled machine. Heart disease is the wrench in the gears. Heart events let us know
we’re in need of a serious tune up.
It helps to understand what
cardiovascular disease (CVD) Heart Diseases
describes: Cardio refers to
diseases of the heart, while There are many types of heart diseases. Here are a few of the major ones:
vascular refers to conditions
affecting the blood vessels, like Coronary artery disease – This refers to conditions that block blood flow in
arteries and veins. The circulation the arteries that supply the heart. The most common cause of this blockage is
system consists of both the a condition called atherosclerosis, when the arterial walls thicken and stiffen due
heart and blood vessels, and to the buildup of fatty deposits inside the arteries.
so anything that affects one
part influences the other. CVD Coronary heart disease – This describes coronary artery diseases and
encompasses many heart and their complications, such as angina (pain related to the heart not getting
blood vessel conditions. enough oxygen) and heart attack (myocardial infarction).
The phrase heart disease Cardiomyopathy – This encompasses diseases that affect the heart’s
typically refers to cardio muscle. Some people are genetically disposed to these conditions; other
conditions like coronary artery causes are not clearly understood. One of the most common types of
disease. Vascular diseases— cardiomyopathy is idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, which is an enlarged and
which affect the veins and weak heart muscle for an undetermined reason.
arteries as well as the capillaries
and lymphatics (the small vessels Valvular heart disease – This collective phrase refers to diseases that
that carry the fluid from cells affect heart valves, which connect the four chambers of the heart and keep
back into the blood stream)— the blood flowing in the proper direction. Typical valve conditions include
include arteriosclerosis and narrowing, leaking, or improper closing. Valve damage can be genetic or
atherosclerosis, high blood show up later in life, stemming from causes like rheumatic fever, infection,
pressure/hypertension, connective tissue disorders, certain medications, or radiation treatments
and PAD. for cancer.
Congenital heart defects – These affect the growth and development
of the heart’s muscle, chambers, or valves. These are heart defects
present at birth.
4 Mended Hearts HeartGuide