Page 10 - Mended Hearts-HeartGuide
P. 10

“Any angina is too much.”        Angina
Donnette, angina patient
                                 If you have chronic stable angina (also known as “angina”), you are not
Angina is your heart’s           alone. There are approximately 9 million people in the United States with
way of telling you it needs      chronic angina.
more oxygen.
                                 Angina—pain or discomfort in the chest or other areas of the body—is usually
Learn more about angina,         caused by blocked arteries in the heart. Plaque builds up over time in the
including questions to ask your  arteries, which as we know is called coronary heart disease (CHD) or coronary
health care team, by visiting    artery disease (CAD).
                                 In CHD, the arteries of the heart become stiff and narrow, making it difficult
                                 for oxygen-rich blood to reach your heart muscle. The lack of oxygen can
                                 cause the discomfort of angina. Angina is your heart’s way of telling you it
                                 needs more oxygen.

                                 Triggers of Angina

                                 Episodes of angina are usually brought on by one of the four “E’s”—exercise,
                                 emotional stress, eating too much, or exposure to extreme cold. Angina usually
                                 goes away with rest or nitroglycerin, medicine used to open blood vessels. If
                                 you have angina that does not resolve with rest or nitroglycerin, you should
                                 seek immediate medical attention by calling 911.

                                 People Experience Angina Differently

                                 Symptoms of angina include discomfort or pain in the chest or surrounding
                                 areas (arm, shoulder, back, neck, or jaw). It can feel like tightness, pressure,
                                 squeezing, or crushing and can spread to the arm, back, jaw, neck, and
                                 shoulder. Some patients may experience feeling faint, tired, out of breath, or as
                                 if they have heartburn.

                                 Diagnosis and Treatment

                                 It’s very important that you share all of the details about your condition
                                 with your health care team members so they can diagnose and manage your
                                 condition. Your doctor will discuss signs of angina to figure out if you have it
                                 or something else. Your health care team will review your personal and family
                                 history, assess risk factors, conduct a physical exam, and may run tests (see
                                 page 20 for common tests and therapies).

                                 Once you are diagnosed with angina, your health care provider should ask you
                                 a number of questions to get a better understanding of your angina, including
                                 your pain level and which treatments made you feel better. Use the notes
                                 section of the HeartGuide to write down your angina symptoms, level of
                                 pain, and related issues and bring the information with you to every exam.

6 Mended Hearts HeartGuide
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