Page 15 - Mended Hearts-HeartGuide
P. 15


GET YOUR GROOVE BACK: TREATING AFIB                                       WHAT IS SUDDEN

Treatment for AFib is important because it can prevent the conditions     At rare times, the heart can
that lead to stroke or heart failure. And if AFib is caused by an         go into cardiac arrest without
underlying event, your doctor can treat it and see if that controls       warning. This is called sudden
AFib. Effective management of the condition depends on the heart’s        cardiac arrest, an extremely
condition, age, stroke risk, and the severity of AFib symptoms. The       dangerous condition leaving
overall treatment goals are to reset the rhythm, control the rate, and    patients just minutes to receive
prevent blood clots.                                                      emergency medical care. If you
                                                                          see a person suddenly lose
Restoring Your Heart Rate                                                 consciousness and register
                                                                          no pulse, get immediate
Cardioversion restores your heart rate and rhythm. There are two ways     medical help. If the person
to do it:                                                                 is unresponsive, rescuers can
                                                                          administer cardiopulmonary
ƒƒ Medications – An anti-arrhythmic medication can restore your           resuscitation (CPR) and
     heart’s normal rhythm. The medication may be given intravenously     defibrillation using an automated
     or taken orally.                                                     external defibrillator (AED), if
                                                                          available, to restore blood flow.
ƒƒ Electrical cardioversion – Occurring while you are sedated, this
     procedure sends an electrical charge to your heart through paddles   BE INVOLVED:
     or patches placed on your chest. The charge stops your heart’s       QUESTIONS FOR YOUR
     activity for a moment, allowing it to reset to its normal rhythm.    HEALTH CARE TEAM
                                                                          ABOUT HEART DISEASE
After cardioversion, an anti-arrhythmic medication may be prescribed      AND HEART EVENTS
to prevent reoccurrences of AFib. Common medications are
amiodarone, dronedarone, propafenone, sotalol, dofetilide, and            ƒƒ What caused my
flecainide. Some may produce side effects such as nausea, dizziness,           heart problem?
and fatigue.
                                                                          ƒƒ How serious is it?
Controlling Heart Rate
                                                                          ƒƒ What medications or
If cardioversion doesn’t create a normal rhythm, the heart rate is             therapies will I need? Do
controlled in two other ways:                                                  they have side effects?

ƒƒ Medications – Calcium-channel blockers, beta-blockers, and             ƒƒ How will my daily life
     digitalis can be used to slow heart rate to less than 80 beats per        change as a result of my
     minute at rest. Other types of drugs called ACE inhibitors may            heart problem?
     be prescribed to control blood pressure and reduce the risk of

ƒƒ Atrioventricular (AV) node ablation – This procedure is an
     option if medications don’t work or produce difficult side effects.
     Radiofrequency energy is applied to the AV node through a
     catheter to destroy this small area of tissue. A pacemaker is then
     implanted to send electrical impulses to the ventricles.

Preventing Blood Clots

Blood clots are dangerous because they can lead to more serious
conditions, such as stroke. Because the risk for blood clots is so high
in people with AFib or who are undergoing procedures to treat AFib,
doctors often prescribe anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications
(for more on these medications, see page 36).

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