Page 18 - Mended Hearts-HeartGuide
P. 18

IDEAL NUMBERS                           and overweight people may have difficulty losing weight. But by losing
FOR HEART HEALTH                        even as few as 10 pounds, you can lower your heart disease risk.
                                   ƒƒ Type 2 diabetes – Formerly called adult-onset diabetes, type 2 diabetes
ƒƒ Body Mass Index                      can be prevented through moderate weight loss and exercise in adults at
     = 25 kg/m2                         high risk for the disease.

ƒƒ Blood Pressure = Less than      Contributing Factors of CHD
     120/80 mmHg
                                   The medical community consensus is that these factors contribute to heart disease:
ƒƒ Total Cholesterol = Less than
     200 mg/dl                     ƒƒ Stress – Individual response to stress may be a contributing factor. Some
                                        scientists have noted a link between coronary artery disease risk and stress
ƒƒ LDL Cholesterol = Less than          in a person’s life. People under stress may overeat, start smoking, or smoke
     100 for most people and            more than they otherwise would.
     less than 70 for anyone with
     a history of heart disease    ƒƒ Heavy alcohol use – Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure,
     or diabetes                        cause heart failure, and lead to stroke.


                                   Cholesterol is highly connected to heart disease. Here we discuss the many
                                   facets of cholesterol and what you can do to control it.

                                   What is Cholesterol?

                                   Cholesterol is a substance your body makes naturally. It is soft and waxy,
                                   similar to fat, and is present in your body’s cells and in your bloodstream.
                                   Cholesterol is necessary to your survival—it’s what your body uses to make
                                   new cells. Much of the cholesterol in your body occurs naturally, but you also
                                   get a lot from the food you eat.

                                   The truth is that cholesterol in itself is a good thing. The problem comes
                                   when your body has too much of the wrong kind of cholesterol. This
                                   creates an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, such as coronary heart
                                   disease and stroke—the No. 1 and No. 4 killers in the nation. In fact, people
                                   who have high levels of cholesterol are at twice the risk of developing heart
                                   disease as those with lower levels. Although high cholesterol is a clear health
                                   concern, it can be treated effectively.

                                                          Cholesterol build up in the arteries can block blood flow and lead to heart disease.

14 Mended Hearts HeartGuide
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