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QSI Quintile • Issue 37                                                                                                                 • • • 3

            Record of Consistent Growth

            QSI on the World Map                36 schools, 30 countries, 5 continents

                                   Africa/the Americas
                                   China/East Asia
                                   Central Asia

            QSI History                                     QSI Philosophy

              1992  saw  the  founding  of  Quality  Schools   Quality Schools International believes in a   The success-oriented QSI Educational Model
          International, but its roots go further back. QSI   personalized  approach  to  instruction  leading  to   has Three Core Beliefs:
          is an outgrowth of Sanaa International School,   mastery within  a positive and enjoyable learning
          founded in Yemen in 1971. Two decades later,    environment.  It  offers  a  challenging  academic     1. QSI believes that all students can
          Tirana International School in Albania opened.   curriculum for students in the 3-year-old through   experience success in their learning including
          Kyiv International School in Ukraine followed   Secondary IV (Grade 12) classes. Studies are tailored   higher-order thinking skills.
          the next year. Within five years, a dozen more QSI   to meet the individual needs of each student.     2. QSI believes that success breeds success.
          schools arrived. Central and Eastern European and   Mastery of each essential unit is evaluated with     3. QSI believes that it is the school’s
          Central Asian locations joined.                 an A or B (mastery grades). B represents mastery at   responsibility to provide the conditions for
              A surge of growth in Central and Eastern Asia   a very good level, and A represents mastery with the   success.
          came next, along with continued new openings in   student demonstrating higher-order thinking skills.
          Europe. Schools in Central and South America—   Mediocre or poor work, Cs and Ds, is not accepted,    This success-oriented way of operating schools
          and two in Africa—rounded out the family.       as students are required to engage in an essential   leads to optimum learning and to happy and
              Continuity from a guiding philosophy and a   unit until they achieve mastery.               motivated students. Using knowledge of educational
          common curriculum balances diversity in locations   If a student has mastered a unit with a B   research, these schools are student performance-
          and personnel. Success Orientations complement   evaluation, he/she may wish to demonstrate a   based rather than ‘time-based’ or ‘calendar-based’.
          academics to foster well-rounded students.      higher level of mastery at a later time, within that   Teachers and students in QSI schools use time as a
              Teachers within the QSI system enjoy the    current school year, to change the evaluation to an   resource to reach mastery
          continuity too. The ability to transfer within the   A. Time periods (quarters, semesters, terms) are not   of clearly defined objectives
          system to new countries is a significant benefit.   evaluated; student performance for the school year   (unit outcomes) rather than
          Quality  Schools  International  is  a  non-profit   is assessed on each essential unit in which a student   using time as a boundary   DO
          institution. It dedicates its resources and energy to   is engaged. Teachers and students at Quality Schools   condition to determine when   KNOW
          its students. Academic and fiscal accountability go   International  share  a  common  motto:  Success  For   learning begins and ends.   BELIEVE
          hand-in-hand. School accreditations and system-  All. Maintaining high expectations, differentiating to   QSI  students  are  given
          wide financial audits keep QSI on a firm foundation.   meet individual needs, and integrating social Success   the time needed to achieve
                                                          Orientations into the school day combine to fulfill   success. Our teachers are expected to employ
                                                          the belief that each student can and will succeed. QSI   instructional practices of excellence. However,
                                                          attracts and retains caring, qualified teachers who   the measure of success is not how well the teacher
                                                          serve their students with this belief in mind.  teaches, but how well the students learn.
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