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6 • • •                                                                                                                Issue 37 • QSI Quintile


                                                          Baku International School

             early Childhood                                 rocket Science!                              subject area. An astronaut from the European
          education                                                                                       Space  Agency,  Matthias  Maurer,  participated  in
                                                             In October 2017, one of Baku International   a practice EVA with the teachers, and gave them
              It takes a team to educate preschool children.   School’s Secondary Science teachers, Audra Phelps,   valuable feedback on the structure and focus of
          At Baku International School, preschool teachers   had the privilege of leading a group of teachers in a   how an EVA should be conducted with students to
          and paraprofessionals take their responsibility very   field research program called MINAR5/Spaceward   closely model his own training as an astronaut.
          seriously. They strive to make students confident   Bound UK.  QSI was well represented, with teachers
          and successful as they begin their educational   from three schools—BIS, QSI International School   Developing activities like an EVA for classroom
          careers. Preschool is  the beginning of a  larger   of Yerevan (Lilit Hakobyan), and QSI International   use is a great way to get students involved in
          picture. It is the transition to and foundation of   School of Minsk (Elizabeth Kurten). This research   authentic science by practicing current field
          the academic years to come. That is why the school   and education initiative, in collaboration with the   methods that NASA scientists and astronauts use.
          gives students an atmosphere in which they feel   UK Centre for Astrobiology, involved scientists and   BIS students will have some amazing opportunities
          secure and confident in their early years.      engineers from NASA and universities worldwide.    to practice science in the years to come!

              The preschool classrooms at BIS split into     The teachers and researchers met in northern
          several learning areas, arranged to encourage   England at the Boulby Underground Laboratory, in
          creativity and learning. For example, the main   the Boulby potash mine, which is 1 km below the    building better and
          learning areas in the 2-year-olds class offer real-life   ground and stretches out 15 km under the North  better buildings!
          sensory activities to develop both fine- and gross-  Sea. This is a great place for researchers to use as a
          motor skills. In addition to curriculum areas, other   Mars analogue because it closely mimics lava tubes   Baku International School has been going
          spaces important to the children’s daily routine   on  Mars, and  could  be  used  as  a  possible  place   through a really amazing transformation over the
          include: the art center, library, dramatic play, and   for habitation in the future. NASA researchers   past several years. This year the new library and
          building manipulatives areas.                   often  travel  to  Mars-analogue  sites  to  test  their   garden/play area had a HUGE facelift. The garden/
                                                          equipment and analyze life that can survive     playground area pays homage to Azerbaijan’s
              In the 3-year-olds class, students work on gross-  extreme environments to help their exploration of   history, which is famous for its petroglyphs
          motor skills by playing games and participating   the surface and subsurface of Mars in a search for   dating back at least 5,000 years. Petroglyphs were
          in sports. They build upon their work in the    possible life outside of this planet. Teachers joined   incorporated in the design of the caves both inside
          2-year-olds class by honing fine-motor skills with   the team as research assistants. They helped gather   and out. The children love sitting in there, a sort
          activities such as lacing, cutting, drawing, tracing,   samples and test equipment, and learned about   of  a  hideout where  their  imaginations  run  wild.
          writing, and putting puzzles together. In this time,   techniques used to  analyze samples  for chemical   Additionally, there is a stream fed by a beautiful
          they learn how to share with each other, how to play   composition, signs of life and DNA sequencing. In   waterfall that meanders through the center of this
          fairly, and how to work diligently.             addition to the current field method training that   garden/play area. Amidst the rolling hills you will

                                                          Early childhood education allows a
                                                          child to discover themselves through
                                                          varied educational activities—inside
                                                          the classroom and out.

                                                                                                          find quaint little bridges that allow visitors to cross
                                                                                                          the river to relaxing gazebos and caves that can be
                                                                                                          explored. The children love to roll down the grassy
                                                                                                          hills, which is a novelty in the city of Baku. They
                                                                                                          love to sit and play on the “life size” hippopotamus,
                                                                                                          crocodile, and tortoise. Older students and adults
                                                                                                          enjoy time in the gazebos or better still sitting in
                                                                                                          the balcony that overlooks the garden/play area and
                                                                                                          listening to the cascading sounds of the waterfall.

                                                                                                             The re-construction continued when the gym
                                                                                                          with atrium ceiling was converted into a two-story
              In  the  4-year-olds  class,  students  continue   teachers  received,  they  also  worked  diligently  to   library! Not only is it a style showpiece with its
          to develop through play and a more academic     produce lesson activities that make the content and   coffered ceiling and skylights, it is one of the most
          environment.  Here  the  students  refine  their  fine-   methods accessible to students in a classroom.    welcoming and cozy spaces in our building. Older
          and gross-motor skills, and social and emotional                                                students, parents and teachers love to spend free
          development. The 4-year-olds class is a bridge     The main education focus for this expedition   time there even if they are on their laptops or just
          to  the 5-year-olds  class,  where  they begin to  put   was  to  create  a  model  for  a  student-driven  EVA   hanging out during lunch. It is also a popular place
          more emphasis on the core curriculum, such as the   (Extra-Vehicular Activity). EVAs are what   for meetings and small assemblies.
          alphabet, letter sounds, and number sense.      astronauts do on the International Space Station
                                                          and did on the moon when they were sent out of     In addition to a new 5-Year-Olds classroom,
              The 5-year-olds class is a big jump for many   their HAB (habitat) to explore their environment.   the Music Room has moved from the stage of the
          students coming from preschool. The transition   Students can use this model to explore their own   auditorium to a properly equipped large and lively
          can be challenging, as more emphasis is placed on   environment, whether that be the school yard or   room complete with a mini-stage for musical
          academic skills and less on organized play. Here   a field trip into an unexplored area and feel as if   practices, which may also be used for performances
          at BIS, setting up routines, slowly adding more   they are astronauts exploring an unknown planet.   of other types such as Readers’ Theater or Poetry
          responsibilities and learning as students build their   Teachers also gathered resources for a variety of   Readings. Outdoor balconies and terraces equipped
          stamina, makes this transition as smooth and as   different activities that could be done on an EVA,   with picnic tables make Baku International School
          easy as possible.                               making this activity adaptable to any age and   the best place to be inside and outside!
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