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10 • • • Issue 37 • QSI Quintile
bOSniA & HerZeGOVinA
QSI International School of Sarajevo
week without walls they offer as well as the application process. that they acquired new skills or improved their
By QSI International School of Sarajevo Secondary Afterward, we toured the Museum of London. already-acquired ski skills. Spending time out of
Students Then, we had dinner at Bella Italia and made our the city, breathing in brisk, fresh air also does not
way to The Globe where we watched a wonderful hurt.
performance of Shakespeare’s The Twelfth Night.
While middle and secondary students have
many opportunities to travel outside the country Today was another busy day. We went on an
for academic conferences and athletic events, QSI original bus sightseeing tour and took a flight on building Future
International School of Sarajevo’s Week Without the London Eye. Week Without Walls has been an leaders
Walls program is designed to give students amazing experience for everyone. We will not say
experiences that will inspire them to become well- goodbye, but simply “See you soon, London!” QSI International School of Sarajevo might be a
rounded global citizens. QSI Sarajevo considers small school, but that doesn’t stop our Model United
field trips an important part of a comprehensive Nations (MUN) students from standing their
education. These trips offer unique travel ground, compromising when necessary, defending
opportunities to learn about new areas, and to Hitting the Slopes! country positions, and winning recognition as
deepen the bonds among fellow students, teachers, the best delegate! At MUN conferences, students
and the school. International education should go Every February, students from QSI International become World Leaders.
beyond the confines of the school campus and the School of Sarajevo spend a week attending ski
immediate Sarajevo city boundaries. The concepts school. The QSIS Ski Program is one of the most Model United Nations is not just for future
and learning gained through experiences “in the popular programs at QSI Sarajevo. It is appreciated diplomats; it is for future leaders in any field.
field” are valuable to students in both academic and by parents, and loved by students! Bosnia and QSI’s Success Orientations work well in building
personal areas. Student participation in these field Herzegovina is known for breathtaking nature, and the character of these leaders. Many QSI schools
trips is expected, as they are linked to curriculum the city of Sarajevo is lucky to be surrounded by offer MUN programs. Model United Nations is a
and may not be duplicated at home. some of the most beautiful mountains in the world. great opportunity for students to master and excel
Bjelasnica, Trebevic, and Jahorina Mountains were at the seven Success Orientations (SOs). Students
Lovely London home to different sport disciplines during the 1984 show Independent Endeavor and Responsibility
Winter Olympic Games. These beautiful Olympic by conducting a considerable research on their
We left QSI with all our luggage and extreme mountains receive a robust amount of snow from own, and by meeting deadlines. Students are
excitement about the week in London that we would December to March. The ski program itself takes Trusted by the school, parents, and community to
soon embark upon. It was a long day of travel, but place on the Bjelasnica Mountain, which, with its represent them well while abroad at conferences.
fun to be with friends. After arriving in London we variety of ski lifts and slopes, enables students of Students must work diplomatically with others
found our hostel and enjoyed some pizza. all different skiing abilities to enjoy skiing and to while negotiating and compromising through
acquire new skills. Group Interaction. During their interaction with
We have had an amazing first day in London! several groups, students must show Kindness
This morning we walked along the Thames River and Politeness, as they role-play as diplomats
to the Globe, where we explored the theater. We representing different countries and backgrounds.
participated in a Shakespeare Workshop and viewed Through UN committees such as Environmental
an amazing art exhibition. We then had lunch and and Human Rights, students show their Aesthetic
made our way to the Imperial War Museum. After Appreciation for their planet and Concern for
exploring the museum we took a guided walking Others around the world as they work over several
tour of London. We saw the Parliament House, days deliberating, debating, and reaching common
Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Downing Street, goals they believe will make the world a better place.
Buckingham Palace...and much more! We had Not only does MUN help build global citizens
dinner at Hard Rock cafe. After which we returned through supporting QSI’s Success Orientations, it
to our hostel tired, but excited. also supports curricular goals in research, analysis,
writing, and public speaking.
Since the program is so favored, nearly all
students, ages 5 to 13 years old, eagerly participate.
Students are divided into two major groups
according to their age, and each group has a week
of ski lessons led by certified ski instructors. Each As an international school, it is wonderful
ski group consists of five to nine students, and to see how many students are actively engaged in
are divided according to the skill level of each international policies and issues each year in MUN
student. Classes are small. This enables quality conferences. Many students grow from shy delegates
ski lessons for all. QSI teachers and assistants also to outspoken committee chairs, and some continue
accompany their classes to make sure everything on at the university level in international relations,
runs smoothly, and some even ski with the student or international business management, using and
Today we went on a Thames River cruise where groups and instructors, providing more safety and perfecting the negotiation skills that they learned
we learned some ‘insider’ secrets from our guide. comfort for the students. Bjelasnica offers chair with QSI at MUN conferences. MUN students are
We saw the Tower of London Bridge open and then lifts, T-bar lifts, and baby lifts. The ski slopes vary truly a unique group of people. How many students
we had lunch next to the Tower of London. Next, in difficulty, from blue to red and black-diamond spend free time researching countries they’ve never
we headed to Chelsea Stadium where we learned slopes. More advanced slopes are also available, but been to and issues they’ve never had to face? It
about how football clubs make money. It was a only for experienced skiers. takes a special kind of person to try and look at the
great lesson in business that inspired many of us. world from other perspectives (social, economic,
We also got to see the players’ dressing room, the Students have been participating in QSI political, and environmental), seeking to solve the
press center, the players boxes - and even got to sit Sarajevo’s ski program for almost 20 years. With challenges of the world through fruitful debates
where the Chelsea players sit! We then had dinner an increase in the number of students at QSIS, the and compromise. These are our future leaders! The
at Bubba Gump. program has grown and has, justifiably, become skills they gain, and experiences they face at MUN
something for which the school takes great pride. conferences will remain with them for many years,
We have had another great day in London! This It is a program students enjoy and look forward as they express ideas, provide solutions, examine
morning we toured King’s College, one of London’s to every school year. Students return from the different points of view, and reach consensus, in
oldest universities. We learned about the programs mountain tired, but happy—satisfied and proud their future endeavors as global citizens.