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QSI Quintile • Issue 37 • • • 13
QSI International School of Shenyang
new Campus Grand students aged 3–17. All students have access to the the challenge and independence of the secondary
Opening new computer lab, and each classroom is equipped program can be daunting. The school community-
with laptops for student use. In addition, we have students, parents, teachers and staff join together to
QSI International School of Shenyang is located room to grow. The classrooms and flexible spacing celebrate and to support the students in their new
in Northeast China, where the winters are cold will comfortably seat 80 students. roles.
but the people are warm. Although the expatriate
population is small compared to the eight million The school community came together on Our fledgling secondary program enrolled its
Chinese residents, the school has exploded. Saturday, September 9, to celebrate the official first students in the spring of 2017. Two incredible
With the unprecedented growth in our student opening the new facility. We were entertained by young people who came to us when their high
population, we moved out of our cozy location in the traditional Chinese Lion Dance complete with school program folded mid-year. This event could
Fuli–Segovia and into a purpose-built school in the colorful costumes, drums, and cymbals. Parents have been devastating and could have derailed the
Yuqing Tingyuexuan compound in the Hunnan and students toured the facility, met with teachers, students’ plans for attending university, as there
District of Shenyang. and shared snacks and refreshments. Having an would be no graduation. However, the Human
event that brought parents, students, teachers, and Resource Manager at their parent’s workplace knew
community leaders together also confirmed that that QSI had a excellent program and referred the
the joyful, comfortable, caring feeling of the small parents to our campus.
school was still present.
Because QSI has incredible resources and an
QSI International School of Shenyang is amazing virtual school, the students were able to
amazing. With our new facility, talented teachers, register mid term and complete their secondary III
and dedicated staff, we are poised to make a course work. They began the new school year as
difference in our community. Our commitment Secondary IV students preparing for standardized
Saying goodbye to our lovely little school house to developing caring students, and nurturing their testing and acceptance into universities. They are
was sad; many parents lamented the move into the love of learning, remains—our ability to do so has taking AP courses, enjoying activities with school
new building. They loved the safety and comfort grown, just as the school has. mates, and are becoming amazing role models for
of the little building. They loved the warm feelings the younger students.
and caring attitudes of students and staff, and
were afraid that a bigger, more traditional building In June of 2018 QSI International School of
would erase all that love. However, we knew the Secondary School and Shenyang will host its first ever secondary school
sadness would last only until everyone saw the new Graduation graduation. It is as exciting for the students and
facility and walked through the doors. parents as it is for the teachers and support staff.
There are some events that are ubiquitous to It is a milestone for the students and for the school
We were on a tight renovation schedule, and schools in every country around the world. These and a sign of permanence in a changing world.
some parents were concerned that the start of school events cement the community and help develop a
would be delayed, but we were confident. Even with sense of pride to the school. In addition, the expat
an amazing team and strong financial resources, the community is generally transient. The school
conversion of a 14-classroom shell into a modern becomes the anchor for families. It is the place
learning space was a daunting challenge. However, that provides security and calm in an international
the local and foreign staff of QSI Shenyang was up environment that can be turbulent. Celebrating the
to the task. New and repurposed equipment was milestones of our students helps create a sense of
delivered on time, and the staff worked tirelessly to continuity and permanence. And so we do. With our new facility, talented teachers,
make sure everything was in place for the first day and dedicated staff, we are poised to
of school. On that day, we welcomed 39 students, We celebrate the promotion of our 5 year make a difference in our community.
including 20 students who were brand new to QSI. olds into the 6 year old class and parents beam
with pride as their little ones cross the stage to be Our commitment to developing caring
The new building is gorgeous, with state-of-the- recognized and congratulated by the entire school students, and nurturing their love of
art science labs, classrooms with flexible seating, a community. We celebrate the promotion of our 13 learning, remains—our ability to do so
roomy cafeteria, and an indoor play space. We have year olds into the secondary program. The change
added specialized music and art teachers for all our from the security of middle school classrooms to has grown, just as the school has.