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14 • • • Issue 37 • QSI Quintile
QSI International School of Shenzhen
what is Parent
By Neissa St Jean
Nanshan Intensive English Coordinator
Parent University is a program for parents
at all QSI International School of Shenzhen
campuses that empowers parents to support their
child’s learning with monthly workshops. Each
workshop has a twofold focus: firstly, on strategies
that support Literacy instruction, and secondly,
on Counseling topics to support a child’s overall
well-being and development. The workshops begin
A Focus on Film right after the school day begins, so that parents
By Cherry, QSI Shenzhen student are already on campus. Workshops are led by our
Intensive English Coordinator, our Counselor, and
You walk into a room. From the outside, it a selection of teachers.
appears to be a normal classroom. Some students
are sitting at desks, deep in discussion. Others are Parent University at QSI Shenzhen:
working behind computers.
This year marks our second year of Parent
But it is not a normal classroom. It is a classroom University in Shenzhen, and we are proud to
filled with film students. They are planning the announce that it has been a huge success. Parents
specifics for their latest feature story. They are come out in large numbers to learn more about
adding the final touches to a music video. They are social skills, literacy, and researched-based best
checking out cameras and microphones to film a practices for English Language Learners. This
documentary. year, parents are introduced to the 12 Systems of
Strategic Action. We will be empowering parents
Over the past two years, QSI International on how to develop readers by encouraging
School of Shenzhen’s film department has only “thinking.” Parents leave with valuable
continued to advance. With new equipment, an information, practice materials, and follow-up
abundance of interest, and strong support from the support to ensure success.
school community, students have been able to take
film into their own hands. They’ve been able not Why Parent University?
only to participate, but to create new opportunities,
to constantly use their knowledge, and to improve Parent University was first initiated as an idea
their skills. to invite the QSI community to take part in a
lifelong learning experiences at the school, and to
Last year, the first graduation live-stream in knowledge of film. I’ve grown since then. Over the build community and trust among all stakeholders.
QSI history was attempted. The entire event was past year, I’ve worked in front of and behind the We envision parental involvement through
broadcast to an audience that could not physically camera, participated in live-streams, and attended empowerment. As our mission states, “we aim to
attend, but still wanted to be a part of it. It was tiring, the STN Convention. This was never something I empower parents”—teachers, administrators, and
it was stressful, and it was not without its glitches. pictured myself doing, but I love every moment of parents come together with one purpose in mind:
But it was an incredible learning opportunity, and it. Yes, it’s hectic, but it sure is enjoyable. our students. We simply want to give parents
preparation for more demanding projects to come. knowledge and skills so they can help their children
The work of a film student never ends. That’s at home, encourage English conversations, and
DMN—Dragon Media Network. Those three one of the most important things I’ve learned. It create meaningful dialogue between parents and
words, and their initials, have become known isn’t a normal class, where work is done in class and teachers.
around the campus. It is the student-based television homework is done outside of it. Sometimes, there’s
station that is behind a daily broadcast, bringing nothing to do in class, because of time and place. The Parents’ View:
the student population their announcements live Other times, hours are spent after school filming
every morning. The group is also responsible for and editing, and class time is used to catch up on As an international school, our parents come
documenting school events via lens, from recitals work. I’ve learned to be flexible, to plan ahead, and from many different cultural backgrounds, and
to tournaments. Two months into the school year, always to be open to change. have varying views on what learning should
DMN has become a staple of day-to-day student life. be for their children. Many attended school
What happens next? Well, anything’s possible. when teaching was done in a strict, traditional
This does not mean the start was easy. It As the incoming grades get exposed to film, this manner, and many parents don’t expect that their
required many trials, and many failures, until they program has an endless future in front of it. What participation would be welcome in their child’s
were able to succeed. Yes, it sounds like a cliché, but happens next is up to them; is up to us. We’ve been school. But this is far from the truth! All parents
it is undeniably true. The first live-stream did not given the right circumstances, and we’ve turned share the same concern, “Is my child learning
go perfectly. There were technical difficulties, issues them into opportunities. But I know that we haven’t successfully?” We open the doors of our building
with the system, flubbed lines, but it was an attempt even gotten close to the end. There’s more to come. and say to parents, “Come and be a part of the
in the right direction. Now, there are more than Our film has just begun. learning process!”
30 students participating, training for the various
roles to continue this effort, even as the founding
classes graduate.
Last year, students had the opportunity to attend
the STN Student Television Network Convention in
Anaheim, California. It was a filmmaker’s dream.
Packed with challenges and professional sessions,
students were thrust into a fast-paced environment
where they could focus on one thing they were all
united on: film. They participated in contests—with
a limited time frame—to film and edit a complete
project. They learned from the pros, attending
lessons ranging from script-writing to editing. They
heard more from colleges, looking into a future
that could become their reality one day. QSI’s
short-story entry even won an honorable mention,
an impressive feat for first-time participants. It was
stressful, it was exhausting, but oh, it was worth it.
I speak from personal experience. My
freshman year, I entered high school with very little