Page 2 - Boothbay Region YMCA 2020 Community Impact Report
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   From Our


                   Dear Friends of the Y,

                   We are proud to share the Boothbay Region YMCA’s 2020 Annual Impact Report. While
                   2020 was a challenging year, it also brought us closer together to refine our priorities,
                   focus even further on our community’s needs, and connect with each other during the
                   COVID-19 crisis. Through it all, your support helped us ensure that, together, we made
                   a lasting impact in our community.

                   As with most of society, the emergence of COVID-19 disrupted the normal operation
                   of the Y and its programming. Ordinarily the hub of our community, the Y closed its
                   doors, leaving a gaping hole socially, financially, and beyond. At a time when other
                   organizations laid off employees to stay afloat, the Y’s talented, experienced, and
                   dedicated staff team came together and found another way. Successful grant writing
                   went into high gear, and employee responsibilities were redirected, resulting in the
                   accomplishment of many maintenance and cleaning projects that were typically
                   outsourced. When the Y was able to safely reopen its doors, it did so in ship-shape
                   condition. We are proud of the efforts of our mission-driven staff during difficult and
                   threatening times. Because of the Y’s ability to retain staff, the organization remained
                   focused on its vital work in delivering value to members and meeting the ever-changing
                   community needs.

                   Operating under the pandemic and the temporary closure of our facility served as a
                   reminder of the Y’s importance in our community. Our renowned Harbor Montessori
                   School and Child Enrichment Center remained open, providing working families with a
                   safe and essential childcare option. Our meals program, in conjunction with the schools,
                   expanded with over 9,000 meals distributed by Y staff and volunteers six days per
                   week. Programming pivoted too with wellness staff taking their talents to the web,
                   offering classes by Facebook Live and Zoom. And during school closures, the Y stepped
                   up its afterschool Fit Kids program by hosting students at Camp Knickerbocker and
                   assisted in the facilitation of remote learning in a nurturing environment. We were
                   proud to be able to offer a full summer outdoor camp experience where children could
                   be heard laughing in the woods and playing together within safety protocols.  These
                   are just some examples of the tireless efforts of staff and volunteers to serve our
                   community and extend the Y’s status as a vital community hub.

                   Looking ahead, we are inspired by the broad and meaningful work of the Y, connections
                   with our members and community, and opportunities to make a greater impact. While
                   the effort and attitude of our staff remains upbeat, COVID-19’s impact on revenue
                   is inescapable. We offer our deepest appreciation for your support and engagement
                   during traumatic times and continue to move forward with the Y’s overarching goal of
                   serving as a community catalyst for good.

                     Andy Hamblett                                 Jonathan Tindal
                     BRYMCA Executive Director                     BRYMCA Board Chair
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