P. 16
play the magic show. But...."Ohh guys look out!
This board says that the magic show will not be
held due to an unstoppable reason" screamed Steph
surprisingly. "! I was so keen to watch the
magic show. I literary came to this carnival because
of this magic show. So should we go on with a scary
ride?" requested Ken. "Mmm...You guys wait here.
No worries, though the magic show is not happening
we got so much of stuff out here" said Harry walking
towards the pop-corn hut. "What do we do now?
Mmm...Don't you guys think it's better to take a
scary ride and chill ourselves? It'll be awesome." said
Ken at others. "Yeah Ken...Then we can go to the
coaster ride event on time. That event is on 5.00p.m.
Now it’s almost 4.15” said Steph.
"Here you go...This is for you and this for
Ken...sugared one for me and this is for Steph" said
Harry giving them their bags of pop-corns. "Mmm....
Yummy! You know what Harry, we thought to have
a scary ride. It's a great idea, no?" "Ohhooo fellas....!
don't want to get a heart attack so soon! So you guys
go on. Actually, I feel like vomiting on those rides."
yelled Harry charily. "What! You haven't told me like
that before. Come on Harry! You're just kidding on
us, right?" said Ken surprisingly. "No way guys....Till
you guys come up with the ride, I'll enjoy myself in
the arcade centre and I'll see you at the coaster ride