P. 19

LAST WHISPER                                          17
              three friends were so amazed and delighted by this
              scary ride thing.

                      While the other friends were enjoying the
              scary ride, Harry had to impress his self and he had
              5-10 minutes to go back to that hot dog hut and
              meet the other friends. So Harry looked at his watch
              and quickly finished his game round. “Oh yeah! I
              almost beat the record. It’s better to go out from the
              arcade center and look for the others. They should
              be definitely having a great time with the ride”

                      “Guys I hope no one is hurt right? Oh…
              God, no other scary rides for my life time. Let’s get
              out from this thing and we have to find Harry. He
              might be waiting for us for about 20 minutes” said
              Jay. “Ahhaa… Look, now it’s almost 5.00 p.m.” said

                      “Hey guys I hope you had a great time with

              the ride” said Harry to others when they met in
              the cafeteria. “Bro, you have to thank us to be here
              alive” screamed Jay laughing with others. “Haha…
              Anyway guys, I bought tickets to the coaster rides
              while waiting for you. Now it’s almost 5.00, right?”
              said Harry. “Thank you so much Harry. Now we
              won’t have to wait in queue. And we can select
              a front row for us. Let’s have some juice and then
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