P. 24
Time has come. When you hear the last
you can’t escape from DEATH EMMY!
“I didn’t show this piece of paper to anyone
yet. The manager said that she might have been
scared of the ride and had a heart attack. Even
the manager called police and they might already
arrive right now” said Jay. “But Jay, didn’t you
realize one thing? She screamed and fainted before
the coaster begins to climb down. She screamed
when the coaster climbs up! How can it be
possible?” asked Ken questionably.
“And guys I have something to tell you.
When I was waiting for you guys in the cafeteria
and bought you the tickets to coaster rides, I
remember this lady was in the queue next to me
with another young person” said Harry joining to
the conversation. “Ohh man! Why didn’t you tell me
those things before Harry? Mmm…Anyway I have
an idea. Harry are you sure that lady and the other
young man were next to you in the queue?” asked
Jay. “Yeah, yeah bro…I’m sure that she was the one.”
“So, we have to check the list from the ticket counter
and we can find the names of them above the name
of Harry” said Ken in a cheerful mood.
Jay and other friends ran to the counter