P. 31

LAST WHISPER                                          29
              was the inheritor to all of her dad’s, that means my
              grandpa’s treasure and legacy. She married my dad
              and his name was Martin Stevenson. Then my dad
              was the inheritor to that treasure. But unfortunately,
              when I was about 1 year my dad was murdered by
              someone.  And  I’m  pretty  sure  that  it’s  because  of
              his treasure and  my mom was murdered by that
              person. But now it’s been about 30 years and still I
              don’t know who’s that demon” said Gilbert with a
              voice about to cry.

              “Don’t worry Gilbert. If you support us we

              can   find   the   murderer   your   parents.

              Now  can  you  tell  me  what  happened  last  night?
              When your mom was murdered you were not with
              her. Where did you go?” asked Ken.

                      “Okay  I  will  tell  you  everything  happened
              last night. And mister I should say that when she
              was spending the last days, she was not okay. She

              was behaving as if she got a threat or something like
              that. But she didn’t tell me what that was. Yesterday
              mom saw an article in a news paper about a carnival
              at the countryside. Since we lived in a small village
              near that carnival, I decided to go there at night on
              that day with mom and I thought that it’ll be helpful
              relax to her mind. When we were about to enjoy the
              coaster ride, I got a flash message from an unknown
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