P. 35
Jay and Ken started their investigation from
Mrs. Stella’s room. In that room there was one
huge cupboard, one large bed and a dressing table.
And they seemed to be luxurious. Jay checked the
cupboard while Ken is checking the dressing table
and the bed. But half an hour later they could find
Harry, Jay and Ken were so upset. “Ohh
man… We spent about half an hour. But we found
nothing. But there should be some kind of evidence
remained in this room” said Jay with a disappointed
voice. “What to do man? It might be because of our
hard luck” said Ken at Jay. “But guys I don’t know
why I’m feeling like this. I feel like something’s
hidden from our eyes” said Harry looking around
the whole room.
When these friends gave up and about to
leave Stevenson’s home, surprisingly Steph came to
Stevenson’s home. “Hey Steph what are you doing
here?” “Hey guys, I felt like it’s better to join with you
guys. So I came here as soon as the class finished.
And…Look who’s with me?” said Steph cheerfully.
“Wohoo, Jojo…How are you baby?” screamed
Harry so happily. “Look she’s so happy to see you
guys” said Steph looking at Jojo which was avingw
her tail so happily.