Page 7 - Of Middle Earth
P. 7

Moon Runes

               based on the book, ‘The Hobbit’ by J.R.R. Tolkien

               Walking through the elven halls,
               They followed Master Elrond,
               He led them into the night,
               And they were left without all light.
               The whippoorwill softly sang,
               And the elven halls with laughter rang,
               But up atop the elven tower,
               All was silent in that hour.
               “Show me your father’s map,” Elrond said.
               Thorin drew it out and placed it in his hand,
               He laid it on the stone, and gazed up at the sky.
               “What does he do?” said Thorin to Gandalf,
               “Wait and see, he will show great things to you.”
               Then the clouds began to part,
               And a beam of light shot through the dark,
               The moon revealed the map’s secret,
               The moon runes of Thrain.
               Thorin gasped at the sight,
               “Only the most secret things would he write,
               That they are only seen by bright moonlight!”
               “What does it say?” asked Gandalf.
               “Stand ye by the grey stone,
               When the raven comes to knock,
               The last light of the day,
               Will reveal the lock,” Elrond replied.
               “This is indeed a sight,
               I never knew my father wrote by moonlight,
               And now you the elven lord,
               Have found the key to a dwarf’s hoard.”
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