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The most widely circulated agribusiness journal for Arab countries

                                            In This Issue : English
                                            Editorial:  Agriculture holds the key to offering nature-based ................................2

                                                                        Victam : New partnership in bangkok: victam
                             Vol. 35 No. 7
                                                                        and viv Join forces to ......................................... 6
              Published nine times a year by                            Animal Health : easy monitoring of health and
                                                                        microbial Status of poultry flocks thanks  ....... 7-9
                P.O.Box:10131, 8  Floor
                Bahrain Tower, Manama,
                 Kingdom of Bahrain                                     Poultry : Qatari greenfield with a professional
                 Tel: +973 17 213 900
                 Fax:+973 17 211 765                                    vision to grow   ............................................10-15
                                        Food Processing :  Meyn launches the new
                                                                        maestro plus for Automatic in-line ..............16-18
                   Editor in Chief
                 Abdul Wahed Alwani
                                                                        Green House : Greenhouse growing - high
               Arabic Graphic Designer
            Amr Farouk Abdel Hamid Hassan                               rewards From high-class crop nutrition  ......19-22

                Editorial Contributors                                  Irrigation :  This nature-driven system is the
                    Ben Wedeman
                   Fahd Alabdulla                                       most water-efficient irrigation ever  ............23-24
                     Izzat Feidi
                                                                        4B Launches new website : 4B braime launches
                   Salah Al Zubair                                      new Mobile-friendly website  ..........................25

              International Copyright 2019                              Irrigation : Manufacturer of water Water
                  All rights reserved
                   ISSN 0267-0216                                       treatment equipment .......................................26
              Registration No.: GAWA 122
          Printed at Arabian Printing & Pub. House                      Eurotier : Euro tier middle east kicks off in abu
                   W.L.L. Bahrain
                                                                        dhabi 5,000 breeders take part   ......................28
                Overseas Sales Agents
                                                                        SAUDI AGRICULTURE: Saudi agricultural
                EGYPT & MOROCCO
                Mohsen Akram El Borno                                   exhibition 2019 opening day Focuses on  .........30
            10 Amin Zaki St., Koliat El Banat
                Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
               Tel: 4170451 Fax: 4170180
                                            ARAB WORLD AGRIBUSINESS is distributed  mation contained in this publication is sub-
                                            to 18,005 agriculturists and senior executives  stantially correct at the time of publication.
                Ediconsult International    involved in agriculture in Arab  countries.  However, both the editors and publisher must
               Piazza Fontane Marose 3,     Farm owners, managers and horticulturists,  decline  any  responsibility  for  any  action
                 16123 Genova, Italy        government officials, agencies, experimental  taken based on the information contained in
            Tel: (10) 583 684 Fax: (10) 566 578  farm administrators, scientists, research and  this publication.
                                            advisory  workers,  the agricultural faculties   Subscription
                  SWITZERLAND               of universities, farm institutes and associa-  The  annual  subscription  charge  is  US$  75.
                  Thierry Honegger          tions, contractors, suppliers and distributors   This includes airmail postage and a copy of
                  Leadermedia S.A.          of farm requisites,  agricultural bank and   the ARAB AGRICULTURE annual. Orders for
            RouteD’Oron 2, Case Postale 166  credit  institutions, chambers  of commerce,   subscriptions  must  include  details  of  your
            CH-1010 Lausanne 10, Switzerland  veterinary  surgeons  and  senior  personnel   credit card or contact our accounts dept. and
           Tel: (21) 6535071 Fax: (21) 6521290  engaged in storage, processing and market-  ask bank details to make bank transfer.
                                            ing of agricultural products. Additional cop-
                UNITED KINGDOM              ies are distributed to Arab embassies abroad.  Reader Enquiry Services Cards
             Jeremy Wright, 10 Acacia Drive,                                    Each advertisement and some editorial items
            Maldon, Essex. CM9 6AP, England  From  the  editorial  front,  the  opinions  ex-  have a key number. If you require further de-
                 Tel: +44 1621 842 745      pressed by the contributing authors are not  tails, please circle the appropriate number(s)
                 Fax:+44 1621 850 085       necessarily those of the publisher. The edi-  on the reader service card and post it to our
             E-mail:   tors and the publisher believe that the infor-  Bahrain office.

                                                                                                          Vol. 35 No. 7    1

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