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Health and Nutrition Asia fits that objec-
tive because we believe the industry will
be happy about it. Almost 20 years ago, • Improved livestock monitoring
there was an occasion in Europe when • Reliable assessment of pathogen load
VICTAM and VIV events had to be com- • Non-invasive analysis
bined at the last minute due to an animal
Evonik releases a new service product group that enables
disease crisis. The market at the time poultry producers to improve livestock production by moni-
reacted well to that combination with no toring the microbial status of entire flocks. ScreenFloX® is
negative comments. I think we will see the only environmental screening system that non-invasively
a similarly positive industry response quantifies the levels of certain pathogens, including Clostrid-
to amalgamating our Bangkok shows in ium perfringens, from an entire flock with a confidence ex-
2020.” ceeding 90%. Evonik launches new ScreenFloX® service at
WVPAC in Bangkok
“It must surely help that we are doing
New partnership in Bangkok: VICTAM Feed technology now with added this in Asia. Looking around the Asian re- The ScreenFloX® platform comprises a broad range of tests
and VIV join forces to fuel growth in the ingredients gion there are many more examples of and is designed to help veterinarians, livestock production
managers and farmers make smarter decisions to ensure ani-
Asian market Stutzinger adds, “Both partners also integrations operating both feed mills mal well-being and food safety. for the entire flock using an unbiased, non-invasive method.
International trade show organisers share the view that we want to do more and farms than in other parts of the Dr. Christoph Kobler, Head of Product Line Sustainable The goal of using ScreenFloX® is to optimize overall livestock
world. VICTAM Asia and Animal Health
behind VIV and VICTAM are combining in serving Asia’s feed and animal protein and Nutrition, by VICTAM and VIV, has Healthy Nutrition from Evonik said: “Current common practice production through an ‘early warning system’. This gives pro-
their events planned for Bangkok, Thai- industries by jointly developing busi- an expanded profile in feed manufactur- in animal diagnostics involves testing individual animals using ducers the chance to react before it is too late to adjust the
land, in the early part of 2020. This new ness opportunities within the segments ing and farm production that will suit the invasive methods. This includes necropsy, histopathology and production process.”
partnership unites arrangements relat- of feed ingredients and additives, recog- interests of integrated companies.” confirmatory testing which can easily take several days and The ScreenFloX® platform can perform multiple tests using
ing to the Animal Feed and Grain Indus- nising that they comprise a fast-growing are expensive. a single sample and with minimal additional effort. Combin-
tries Show VICTAM Asia in March 2020 category within the Feed to Food supply Annual reunion “ScreenFloX® is an environmental screening system that en- ing environmental screenings for avian and human pathogens
and the VIV Health and Nutrition Asia chain. VIV has already made significant Heiko M. Stutzinger points to the ex- ables poultry producers to detect levels of different pathogens saves costs and time for poultry producers.
Trade Fair and Forum originally planned progress by including animal health tra benefit of continuity from having the Circle 7 on enquiry card
to take place in Bangkok in January 2020. more centrally in our events for animal Asian focus on nutrition and health in
Both events will now be co-located at protein industries. The focus in this case 2020, right in the interval between the
Bangkok’s BITEC exhibition grounds on has been on medication and pharma- recent VIV Asia show in March 2019 and
24 – 26 March 2020 as VICTAM Asia and ceutical ingredients with their related the next one in March 2021. The timing
Animal Health and Nutrition, by VICTAM products and services. Many of these are directly helps professionals active in the
and VIV. applied to animals through the feed, of Asian animal nutrition and health sectors
course. VIV’s own perspective sees an- who want to be sure they stay up to date,
Strong brands combined imal health alongside nutrition as twin
in a single event pillars supporting the further sustain- whether it is on product innovations and 15000
regulations, the effective use of ingredi-
“Presenting the shows as parallel plat- able growth of the production in Asia of ents and medication or the continuing
forms at the same time within the same meat, eggs, fish and milk.” global dialogue over the extent to which
venue is a great way to bring together pharmaceuticals might be replaced by
two strong brands for the Asia market, Bigger show feed-related alternatives: “A survey con-
in an integrated format so that the visi- Sebas van den Ende at VICTAM Inter- ducted in February this year has con-
tor experiences them as a single event,” national predicts that the newly com- firmed that professionals working in Asia
says Sebas van den Ende, General Man- bined Bangkok event will attract more prefer to meet on an annual basis and 15000
ager of VICTAM International b.v. “It is visitors as well as having a larger foot- their preferred meeting place is Bang-
certainly a much more convenient con- print in March 2020 by having exhibits kok. We were already preparing to pro-
cept for the industry than the original and conferences on health and nutrition vide an appropriate platform for them in
plan of staging them separately in Bang- side by side with the displays and sem- early 2020. Now with VICTAM Asia and
kok, only months apart.” inars about feed manufacturing technol- Animal Health and Nutrition, powered by
ogy. VICTAM and VIV, all professionals will
“The discussions leading up to the
partnership agreement have shown “It is a better deal for everyone,” Mr. find a supercharged event covering the
clearly that both organisations share a van den Ende remarks. “All under one full feed spectrum and also health prod-
firm belief in the growth prospects of- roof you will find the latest information ucts for all farm animal species. It gives
fered by the Asian market,” comments and systems for processing feed and everyone even more reason to come to
Heiko M. Stutzinger, Director VIV world- grain, the application of the processed Bangkok, refresh their knowledge and
wide and Managing Director VNU Exhi- materials to animal nutrition and the network across the animal protein indus-
bitions Asia-Pacific. “Our own activities connections to animal health.” tries in the Asia-Pacific region.” +31 485 586 1111 |
in Asia have gained significantly in im- “VICTAM is formally constituted in For more information on VICTAM Asia
portance over the past few years and we The Netherlands with the status of a not- and Animal Health and Nutrition, please
view the partnership for the March 2020 for-profit Foundation to do good for the visit or www.
Bangkok event as a major next step in animal feed industry. The agreement to
better serving the region.” put VICTAM Asia 2020 together with VIV Circle 8 on enquiry card
Circle 6 on enquiry card
6 Vol. 35 No. 7 Circle 5 on enquiry card Vol. 35 No. 7 7
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