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The work in pig houses is varied, time- daily animal control gets opti- mized and WITH HYCARE
consuming and demanding. During the animals that have fallen ill can be treated
daily animal control, numerous factors significantly sooner than in the past. It is common knowledge that hygiene measures are
must be paid attention to and rated si-
multaneously – also in order to identify Simple, comprehensible functions beneficial to the health and production of cows. But the
potential illnesses in a timely manner. The functional principle is simple and fact that the lifetime of cows has increased by 6 months
Important indicators to assess animal universally comprehensible: The Smart. after 1.5 years in a HyCare-managed barn, exceeds the
health are, for example, water and feed Light consists of an LED lamp that dis- SAVE
consumption. Based on the consumed plays messages in the house directly by wildest expectations. Milk production, its contents and THE DATE
amounts, the house staff can recognize the animal or in the pen. For instance, if veterinary costs have also improved. The additional
early on whether an animal is sick. the pigs have consumed their feed quan- profit amounts to tens of thousands of euros.
Feed intake status at a glance tity according to the feed curve, the lamp Adjustments were made to the working methods of dairy
is off. If only approx. 80 percent of the
To render animal control easy and ef- typical feed quantity was consumed, the farmer Jos Seuntiëns (210 cows, 4 milking robots) based on the
ficient for the house staff, the Lower Sax- Smart.Light turns yellow. In this case, the HyCare approach barely 1.5 years ago. Everything is focused
ony animal house outfitter WEDA Dam- animals can be checked and the trough at the highest hygiene and the prevention of infections. Six
mann & Westerkamp has developed a or sensor can be cleaned as necessary. aspects have been fundamentally addressed: pore-free feed-
new solution with the Smart.Light. With If the feed quantity consumed is below ing alleys, germ-free living environment, clean and germ-free
the help of this innovation, the status of 80 percent of the feed curve, the Smart. drinking water, pest control, structural hoof care and support
feed intake of the individual animals or Light turns red. The house staff can then for a healthy transition (see box below).
pens is indicated directly at each valve act immediately.
in the house. Now that the results of the cows are slowly coming in, Wilco
Settable thresholds de Crom, divisional manager for dairy cattle at MS Schippers,
Immediate animal control possible The Smart.Light is controlled by the is pleasantly surprised. “We thought it would work, also be- JOIN US IN 2020
The Smart.Light significantly eases proven WEDA feeding software Excel- The Smart.Light can be installed next cause HyCare gives great improvements in pigs. Yet this is far VICTAM ASIA is firmly established as
and speeds up animal control in the lent 4PX. On a dedicated page in the to the feed valve on a WEDA liquid feed- beyond any expectations.” On the other hand, it is also no sur-
compartment. Due to the LED lamp, program, the feeding data is recorded ing system, next to the valve on a Nutrix prise that the results are good. “We know that 85 to 90% of the the event dedicated to the animal feed
which is clearly visible from a distance and evaluated over the course of several suckling piglet feeding system or next problems in cows can be traced down to infections. If you stop processing industry within Asia.
and displays different colors, animals days. Users can specify which color is to the OptiMum doser. Existing installa- that, you’ll make big strides.” Co-located with VICTAM Asia 2020 is
with a deviating feeding behavior can displayed starting when. tions can be retrofitted.
be identified immediately. This way, the Delivering way more milk Animal Health & Nutrition, making this
Circle 9 on enquiry card
The results: In 1.5 years’ time, the lifespan has increased by the total animal feed and health event Circle 12 on enquiry card
6 months, according to independent CRV figures. That is a lot. organized by Victam and VIV.
The average in the Netherlands has barely increased by one
month since 2011, while the sector’s goal is to extend the life
span by half a year by 2020. A longer life span means more
old cows with higher milk production. Milk yield rose by 1,000
kilos to 11,500 kilos a year. The fat content is 0.11 percentage
points higher and the protein content is 0.09 percentage points
COMPLETE within the phosphate quota. Each extra liter of milk gives a WHY ATTEND?
All this means that 245,000 kilos more milk can be delivered
FEED MILLS, marginal balance (milk price minus feed costs) of € 0.22 per � See what is trending in your
kilo. For the company this means a return of almost € 54,000.
PLANTS AND and an unpayable aspect: easier and more enjoyable work industry
In addition, there are even lower costs for the veterinarian
MACHINES because there are fewer health problems and cows enter the � Specific conferences with key
robot more easily.
topics in line with your interests
TURN-KEY SOLUTIONS Gaining more experience
Turn-key feed mills and plants The coming months the experience with HyCare at this com- � Build your network
for compound feed, shrimp and pany will continue. In January, MS Schippers also opens its own � Business matchmaking
fish feed, pet food, premix / testing company where the concept is further developed and opportunities
concentrate, roughage, straw, visitors are given more background information.
green forage. De Crom expects the concept to be gradually rolled out in � Access to the industry exhibition
practice starting next year. Initially, this will be mainly at com-
panies with a milking robot because of the routing. In addition,
AMANDUS KAHL GmbH & Co. KG they must have or make a hygiene lock in order to create a first
Dieselstrasse 5–9 · 21465 Reinbek barrier for visitors.
Hamburg, Germany · +49 (0) 40 72 77 10 De Crom emphasizes that livestock farmers can count on · full support from MS Schippers. “This starts with an entre-
preneurial scan to see what the situation is and how it can be
Amman Office, Jordan helped. And when everything’s up and running, there’s contact
+962 6 580 5377 every six weeks. We also involve the other people accessing OFFICIAL SHOW WEBSITES the farm so that there is an all-round commitment from every-
one.” &
Circle 10 on enquiry card
Circle 11 on enquiry card
8 Vol. 35 No. 7 Vol. 35 No. 7 9
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