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                                                                                                                             Use the full potential of butyric acid withhe full potential of butyric acid with
                                                                                                                             Use t
         QATARI GREENFIELD WITH A PROFESSIONAL VISION TO GROW                                                                                       ® ®

              A HEAD START FOR              supply. After  being  shackled, broilers                                        FRA  Butyrin LineA  Butyrin Line
                                            are killed manually according  to Halal
                   MAZZRATY                 rules. As Mazzraty wants to recycle both
                                            materials and energy, the Marel Poultry
                                            scalder is the perfect choice. Thanks to
                                            its closed cover, steam can’t escape. In-
                                            stead, the preheated air is used to agi-
                                            tate  the scald  water. Even heat gener-
                                            ated by the motor is used efficiently in   chilling tunnel is  equipped with  spray
                                                                                                                            Promising effects of FRA  Butyrin Hybrid omising effects of FRA  Butyrin Hybrid
                                            the process.                        cabinets. These moisturize products and     Pr                                    ® ®
                                            FULL-BLOWN EVISCERATION             balance lower temperatures and humid-
                                            DEPARTMENT                          ity levels perfectly with no risk of freez-  for poultryr poultry
                                                                                ing or discoloration.
                                                                                GRADING AND BATCHING                            »   » Return On Investment = 3.5Return On Investment = 3.5
          In  2016  the  Al  Mana  Group  started                                Products are graded semi-automat-
        planning  for  a  large,  full  integration                             ically into A, B or C quality grades by         »   » Efficient target release of butyrateEfficient target release of butyrate
        project in Qatar. A new Greenfield pro-                                 operatives  using  a QS-3 station. Based
        cessing  plant  is  one  of  the  most  im-                             on this and on weight information, In-          »   » Active in entire GIT and via bloodstreamActive in entire GIT and via bloodstream
        portant  components  in  this  Mazzraty                                 nova PDS software system controls the
        enterprise. The plant is equipped for a                                 unloading stations  in the distribution         »   » Significantly improves FCRSignificantly improves FCR
        capacity of 3,000 bph [50 bpm] and has                                  line to  release products  for sale whole
        already been prepared for doubling to                                   or for manual cut-up. Mazzraty cuts some        »   » Higher end weightHigher end weight
        6,000  bph.  With  it,  Mazzraty  aims  to                              20% to 30% of its throughput using two
        be  the  leading  poultry  meat  producer                               MC300 cutters. The  cut chicken  pieces
        in Qatar. The project is exceptional in                                 are then loaded into a  Marel target
        many ways, among them how quickly it   The Mazzraty evisceration department   Batcher. As Qatar is a purely fixed-weight
        was realized and integrated. Its smooth   is an excellent example of a completely   market, all of Mazzraty’s chicken pieces
        and  successful  commissioning  gave   automated process. All  operations  are   are  fixed-weight  batched. The Target
        Mazzraty a head start.              performed mechanically with virtually   Batcher is an easy way of doing this with
                                            no human input  needed. Installed be-  minimum  giveaway. Batched products
                                            hind the Vent Cutter  and Opening Ma-  are then dropped from 14 holding bins
                                            chine, the Nuova eviscerator does its job   onto a cleated conveyor belt, so that they
                                            precisely. This includes automatically re-  can be placed onto trays easily. Opera-
                                            hanging viscera drawn from the cavity to   tors style trays manually on a PaceLine
                                            a viscera pack shackle; giblet harvesting   manual packing line. Finally, a WPL9000
                                            is also fully automated. The PGI always   Weigh Price Labeler – the first to be in-
                                            has been and still is a unique  machine   stalled in the Middle East region – wraps
                                                                                                                                ROI =
                                            which removes intestines and gall blad-  up the packing stage. It applies labels to
                                            der without  the  risk of damage to  the   all products from vacuum-packed whole    ROI = 3,53,5
                                            liver. Heart, lungs, gizzard and liver are   birds to fixed-weight trays.
                                            also harvested automatically by various
                                            Marel Poultry machines.             MAREL WATER TREATMENT
          Thanks  to the Al Mana Group’s ex-  OVERNIGHT UPGRADE                  Mazzraty  is concerned about the im-
        perience in construction and  a  strong   As for the products themselves, they   pact of its activities on the environment.
        management  team leading the project,   follow the usual route through NIC neck   For this reason, a lot of attention was paid
        the  plant was completed  in  a truly ex-  inspection, NeckCracker and FIM Ro-  to treating the plant’s wastewater. Marel
        ceptional time. Success was down to the   toVac final inspection  machines. An  in-  Water Treatment designed a modular in-
        close cooperation of all parties involved.   tegrated inside/outside  washer in the   stallation, which now works excellently
        After two years of planning  and con-  NIC deserves special comment. It’s ideal   at the current processing capacity and is
        struction, the plant was commissioned   for these capacities. There’s no need for   also prepared for 6,000 bph [100 bpm].
        in 2018, exactly 24 months from kickoff.   a separate inside/outside  washer; the   “We know from experience that poultry
        Plant manager  Said Jamous  says,  “The   combined concept saves both space and   companies always grow faster than other
        team  members from Marel Poultry  did   money.  The overhead conveyor in the   industries, so we already prepared the
        a great job in supervising installation,   evisceration department has trolleys at   water treatment installation at Mazzraty
        commissioning and training. They were   6” pitch but shackles at 12” pitch. Car-  for easy expansion in the future,” says
        very helpful and did their job very pro-  ousel machines have half the usual num-  Eric Nab from  Marel  Water  Treatment.
        fessionally. The team made great efforts   ber of units. This means that Mazzraty is   The facility is designed to not waste or
        to train our staff effectively and used ev-  well prepared for future expansion to   leave behind residual material from be-
        ery minute to teach our people all pos-  6,000 bph [100 bpm]. Simply by adding   fore, during or after  processing. Maz-
        sible knowledge on the equipment. Op-  back the “missing” shackles and units,   zraty benefits from this cycle by extract-
        erational and technical training was very   by extending the scalder and adding   ing irrigation water for the surrounding
        valuable  and efficient. I’m convinced   pluckers and by extending the line  in   fields.                                Circle 14 on enquiry card
        that our team, including our technicians   the chill tunnel, the plant can double its
        and operators, is now well qualified to   capacity virtually overnight, without any
        run all lines.”                     significant break in production. With end
        REUSE                               product presentation very much in mind,                                                                                                                                        F
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Formulating ormulating
          In the Mazzraty plant, a  semi-auto-  Mazzraty  made a  conscious choice for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Revolutionary evolutionary
        mated GP System takes care of live bird   air chilling. The unique DownFlow+ air                                    For more information: www.framelco.comor more information:                  R
       10      Vol. 35 No. 7                                                                        Circle 13 on enquiry card                                                                                                 Additivesves

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