Page 9 - Reunion Newspaper (Matrix 1996 - 2016)
P. 9

Von 1996 – 2016 …..

              *  STUDIED AUDITING,

              *  THEN GOT MARRIED,

              *  HAD A SON.

              *  THEN QUIT AND                                    Name:   GÜNTHER

                     STARTED  MY OWN SAGE                         Surname:    HAM

                     DEALERSHIP IN  2004.                         Surname you had 1996:

                                                                                IMMER NOCH HAM
                     STILL TO THIS DAY.
                                                                  Birth Date:   25. FEB 1978

              *  AND THEN WE HAD MY                               Contact No: 0 81 240 248

                     DAUGHTER.                                    Email Address:

                                                                  Married:     YES

                                                                  If married, who's your spouse:
                                                                                IRENE HAM (LüTZOW)

                                                                  Kiddies:      YES

                                                                  If yes, how many kids and their Name & age:
                                                                                       DAMIAN      (12 )

                                                                         SASKIA ALEXANDRA  (5)

                                                                  Your profession today:
                                                                         SAGE ERP CONSULTANT

                                                                  Staying where: WINDHOEK

                                                                  Did you become what you planned to be in

                                                                  1996: NOT EXACTLY, BUT CLOSE
                                                                  ENOUGH       :-D

                                                                  Your Motto of today / or / just a funny quote:

                                                                  ALCOHOL IS NOT THE ANSWER,
                                                                    BUT IT MAKES YOU FORGET

                                                                             THE QUESTION
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