Page 20 - Personal Study Notes (Engineering Metrology - 22342)
P. 20

Page 20 of 176

               Q. Write short note on ‘Functional requirement of good comparators”.

               A comparator has to fulfil many functional requirements in order to be effective in the
               industry. It should not only provide a high degree of accuracy and precision but also be
               convenient for use. It should withstand the rough and tough operating environment on
               the shop floor and also have good sensitivity to detect minute changes in the parameter
               being  measured.  We  can  summarize  the  major  requirements  of  a  comparator  as

               1. A comparator should have a high degree of accuracy and precision. We can safely
               say that in general, comparison measurement provides better accuracy and precision
               than direct measurement. In direct measurement, precision is dependent on the least
               count  of  the  scale  and  the  means  for  reading  it.  In  comparison  measurement,  it  is
               dependent on the least count of the standard and the means for comparing. Accuracy,
               in contrast, is dependent  on other factors,  geometrical considerations being the most
               important  of  them.  Direct  measurement  instruments  such  as  vernier  calliper  and
               micrometer have the standard built into it, with the result that measurement is done by
               the displacement method. It is the relationship between the distance displaced and a
               standard  that  constitutes  the  measurement.  On  the  other  hand,  comparison
               measurement uses the interchange method for measurement. In this method, both ends
               of the unknown feature are compared with both ends of the standard at the same time.
               This enables comparators to have a more favourable geometry, which gives scope for
               better accuracy.

               2.  The  scale  should  be  linear  and  have  a  wide  range.  Since  a  comparator,  be  it
               mechanical, pneumatic, or electrical, has a means of amplification of signals, linearity of
               the scale within the measuring range should be assured.

               3.  A  comparator  is  required  to  have  high  amplification.  It  should  be  able  to  amplify
               changes in the input value, so that readings can be taken and recorded accurately and
               with  ease.  Amplification  demands  use  of  more  number  of  linkages  in  a  mechanical
               system  and  a  more  elaborate  circuit  in  an  electrical  system.  This  puts  load  on  the
               system, resulting in the system being unable to sense small changes in the input signal.
               Therefore, one has to strike a compromise between the two. Alternately, the designer
               can be biased in favour of one at the cost of the other, depending on the major objective
               of measurement.

               4.  A  comparator  should  have  good  resolution,  which  is  the  least  possible  unit  of
               measurement  that  can  be  read  on  the  display  device  of  the  comparator.  Resolution
               should not be confused with readability, the former being one among many factors that
               influence the latter. Other factors include size of graduations, dial contrast, and parallax.

               5. There should be a provision incorporated to compensate for temperature effects.

               6.  Finally,  the  comparator  should  be  versatile.  It  should  have  provisions  to  select
               different ranges, attachments, and other flexible means, so that it can be put to various

                                                            Engineering Metrology (Only For Personal Use)  12
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