Page 8 - ELs Handbook 2020-2021
P. 8

 ● Meeting AMAOs annually
● Percentage of ELs achieving Basic or better on PSSAs and Keystones
● Percentage of ELs who are exiting the program annually
● Benchmark test scores (Star Reading, Star Math, mClass, CDT)
● PSSA test scores (ELA and math - grades 3 - 6 only).
● Content Area Teacher Feedback / Rubric
ELs will participate in all Plum Borough School District assessments. These include grade appropriate PSSA, KEYSTONE and/or other literacy based tests.
Accommodations are provided to ensure that an assessment measures the EL’s knowledge and skills rather than his/her limited English proficiency. The accommodations found at the PDE Documents section of this handbook are allowable accommodations for ELs as determined by the State for PSSA or Keystones. An updated version of this document is available yearly. Please consult the most recent Pennsylvania Accommodations Guidelines which can be found at ​​.
PA State Code requires that ELs must be graded using the same grading system as all other students. It is the Plum Borough School District​ ​policy to follow such requirements. All ELL language arts (literacy) grades will be derived from EL services. All other grades will be assigned according to student completion / assessment of work by classroom teacher.
ELs may be eligible for Special Education. The IEP Team must consider the need for EL instruction as they address the student’s needs. It is highly recommended that the IEP team for an EL with disabilities include an EL professional familiar with the student’s language needs as well as the nature of his/her disability or at a minimum, the IEP team should receive input from an EL professional when appropriate. Special education services do not replace an English language instructional program.

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