Page 16 - WBG June 2023
P. 16

FEATURE  and driving 1,300 miles to Denver   Investigators Conference when the   There you have a bit of history of how
                                                 current Executive Director resigned.
              at my own expense until I could get
                                                                                    WAD got to where it is today. It hasn’t
                                                 As I walked back into the Board room,
                                                                                    been easy. It’s taken a lot of effort
              reimbursed months later. I hired a
                                                 I knew something was going on and
              part time assistant at my expense to
                                                                                    and dedication by many people. Not
                                                                                    everyone has agreed with me over
              help get everything back in order and
                                                 it wasn’t good. The Executive Director
                                                                                    the years, nor have I agreed with
              start collecting significant past due
                                                 had just finished scolding the Board.
                                                 There was a discussion for about 15
                                                                                    them. Yet, we manage to move on
              dues payments. We started accepting
                                                                                    and remain friends. Like a family, there
                                                 minutes when President Rashid Ali
              credit cards for the first time.
                                                                                    but at the end of the day we go out
              I organized a fund raiser, a roast
                                                 Bob, can you help us?”.  I was very
              honoring Past President Hal Lipset   Malik turned to me and said “well   are arguments and disagreements,
                                                                                    to dinners together and share a
                                                 much caught off guard, but I offered
              in  Las  Vegas in  October  1997.  We   to put a proposal together for the   cocktail or two. My preference is that
              had over 100 people in attendance   Board to review.                  we  always  get  along,  but  as  with
              and   some   generous   members                                       most families that’s easier said than
              donated several thousand dollars to   This is when I developed the Executive   done. I have made some of the best
              help WAD get through the next few   Management Team Concept. I knew   friends in WAD that I have ever had in
              months. Sadly, just a few weeks later,   doing everything by myself and with   my life.
              Hal passed away in San Francisco.   my staff again we be a stress on my
              What a fun evening this was, and   own business. Basically, I became the   I have flown to countless locations
              little did we know it would be our last   Executive Director and Association   to attend weddings, anniversary
              time to see Hal. In December I was   Manager, Rockne Cooke became the   celebrations, birthday parties, and
              able to take my first check for $2,000,   New Applicant Manager, Siti Naidu   funerals of my friends in WAD. The
              but most of that went to paying    became the Print Communications    past 40 years in this association
              my assistant. By our 1998 Midterm   Manager and Editor, and Christine   have  helped  make  me  the  person
              Meeting in San Remo, Italy, we had   Vinson became the Technology     I  am  today.  I wouldn’t  give  any  of  it
              built up our bank account, recruited   Manager. A few years later Chuck   up for anything. I have been proud
              over 60 new members, and gotten    McLaughlin took over the position   to support and encourage younger
              many past due members to renew.    of  Technology  Manager.  The  Board   members to run for the Board and
              I think the Board of Directors took   reviewed and quickly accepted the   eventually run for office. I am here
              pity on me and they offered me a   proposal and as of April 1, 2010 the   for them to offer advice and opinions
              significant raise.                 Executive Management Team went     when asked. Naturally, not everyone
                                                 to work.                           agrees with my opinion.
              By  early  2000  before  we  met  in  the
              Canary Islands for our Midterm, I   Once again we had a financial     Now we look forward to some
              let the Board know that I would be   problem to resolve. We had about   wonderful upcoming events. Our
              resigning as Executive Director at the   650 members, but over 300 were still   98th Annual Conference will be in
              Annual Conference in Kuala Lumpur.   unpaid for 2010. Within 3 months we   Vancouver this October. Our 2024
              A search took place and candidates   had most of those members paid and   Midterm Meeting will be in Panama
              were  interviewed at  the Midterm.   several new applicants as a result of   City, Panama next April. Our 99th
              Past President Richard Jacques     the World Investigators Conference.   Annual Conference will be in Kuala
              Turner was selected as the new     Our bank account was healthy       Lumpur, Malaysia in September 2024.
              Executive Director beginning in    again. Gradually, over the next 5   Our 2025 Midterm Meeting will be in
              2001 after a brief transition period.   years,  we  were  able  to  add about   Lisbon, Portugal in April 2025, and the
              When we got Richard we also got    200 additional members. and by     biggest celebration of them all will be
              his wife and member Maureen.       2018  we  stood  at  over  950  total   our 100th Centennial Celebration in
              Together they did a fantastic job and   members. It seems as close as we   late 2025. If you have never attended
              WAD  rolled  along smoothly until   get to 1,000, we just haven’t     a WAD meeting, put one or more of
              late  2005 when  Richard submitted   reached  that  magical  number.  these on your calendar and start
              his resignation to begin enjoying his   Perhaps we’ll do it by our Centennial   meeting new friends and business
              retirement years.                  in 2025. The EMT concept has worked   colleagues.
                                                 well these past 13 years since it was
              Between the end of 2005 after Las   implemented.                      Finally, I would like to thank the Board
              Vegas  and the  Midterm  Meeting                                      of Directors for the honor they placed
              in  Dallas  in  March  2010  we  went   Of course our success would not   on me at our 2023 Midterm Meeting
              through  3   different  Executive  be  possible  without  Carolyn Ward   in Prague, Czech Republic. Being
              Directors who lasted 12 to 18 months   agreeing to be our Administrative   selected as a President Emeritus is the
              each. It was at the Board Meeting   Manager until 2015 when she retired,   honor of a lifetime. I was humbled by
              in Dallas when I stepped away to   and the addition of Karen Beers as   the announcement by Chairman Alex
              set up the WAD booth at the World   her successor.                    Solomanidin. Thank you to my WAD
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