P. 9

Dear colleagues and friends,

        On our side of the globe, winter has passed,
        spring is displaying its finest colors and
        flowers are blooming. It’s a time of renewal,
        much like within our association. Exciting
        meetings lie ahead. While the locations have
        been carefully chosen two years in advance,
        unfortunately, some members are facing
        significant challenges with visa requirements.
        On March 5th, another successful WAD                                                                        VICE PRESIDENT
        webinar was conducted under Alexey’s
        expert technical guidance. It’s always
        impressive for me to witness. Many thanks to
        all involved.

        We   are   increasingly  noticing  that
        accreditation of new clients, primarily in the
        financial sector, is becoming more difficult
        and demanding. Countless requirements
        and concepts are being demanded:
        data  protection,  cybersecurity,  and  more.
        Subcontractors often need to be disclosed in
        advance now.
                                               We are already looking forward to the annual general meeting in September in
        Multiple times now, clients accepted the   Kuala Lumpur. Siti is diligently working on an excellent event.
        WAD membership as a quality guarantee,
        meaning  the entire WAD has  been      Lastly, I want to express my gratitude, especially to all WAD ambassadors, who
        recognized as a subcontractor for some of the   undertake a crucial role for WAD every year.
        most important Swiss companies, allowing
        us to officially collaborate with any member   Warm regards,
        without further individual accreditation.
                                               Respectfully submitted,
        This  was  only  possible  by  clearly
        demonstrating the admission criteria of the
        association and its impressive history. Would   Philip Ryffel
        the founders of WAD in 1925 have imagined
        this?                                  2nd Vice President

                           “Imagination is more important than knowledge.

                     For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces

                                   the entire world, stimulating progress,

                                             giving birth to evolution.”

                                                      Albert Einstein
                                                        Theoretical physicist
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