Page 10 - 2024 Mid Year Program Book
P. 10


                                          Program Administrator Town Hall
                    Securing Your Business – The Power of Restrictive Covenants

                            Monday, May 13 | 2:00 PM | H.B. Plant Ballroom (JW Marriott)

        John Colis, Euclid Program Managers (Moderator)         •  Risk Mitigation: Discover practical strategies for
                                                                   mitigating risks associated with employee mobility
        Diana Estrada, Wilson Elser
                                                                   and provisions in a sale situation, including non-
        Chris Pesce, One80 Intermediaries
                                                                   compete agreements, non-disclosure agreements,
        Matt Sackett, DOXA Insurance                               and non-solicitation clauses
        This PA Town Hall panel will discuss how to protect your   •  Preserving Assets: Understand how restrictive
        business, preserve your assets, and stay ahead of the      covenants can help preserve your company’s
        competition with expert insights on restrictive covenants.  valuable assets, including trade secrets, proprietary
                                                                   information, and client relationships
        In today’s competitive business landscape, safeguarding
        your company’s interests is paramount. Join us to learn   •  Enforcement Tactics: Gain insights into effective
                                                                   enforcement mechanisms and remedies for breaches
        more about the critical role of restrictive covenants      of restrictive covenants, ensuring your business
        in protecting your business. Our panel will delve into     remains protected in the event of disputes
        the various types of restrictive covenants, their legal
        framework, and best practices for implementation and    •  Future-proofing Strategies: Explore proactive
                                                                   measures for reviewing, updating, and optimizing
        enforcement. This presentation will provide valuable       your restrictive covenant agreements to adapt to
        guidance on preserving your intellectual property,         evolving business needs and regulatory changes
        maintaining client relationships, and maximizing the
        value of your company by mitigating risks associated    •  Legislative and Legal Challenges: Hear updates
        with employee turnover.                                    on court decisions affecting the use of restrictive
        Expect a discussion on the following topics:           Don’t miss this opportunity to fortify your business
         •  Legal Protection: Learn about the legal foundations   defenses and secure your future success.
            of restrictive covenants and how they can shield your
            business from unfair competition and unauthorized
            disclosure of sensitive information                Sponsored by:

                                  John Colis
                                  John is the President and CEO of Euclid Insurance Services, Inc., a holding company
                                  for specialty program administrators. He is also past president of the TMPAA Advisory
                                  Board. Prior to joining Euclid, John worked in the corporate insurance and reinsurance
                                  business, spending time in London as a broker at Lloyds, at General Reinsurance
                                  Corporation and at Aon Risk Services. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree
                                  from Northwestern University and his MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of
                                  Management, Northwestern University.

                                                                           Diana Estrada
        Diana Estrada serves as deputy regional managing partner of Wilson Elser’s Los Angeles
              office. She represents employers in a wide variety of employment-related matters,
           including both defense of litigation and counseling regarding legal compliance. Diana
                assists employers developing strategies to avoid litigation. This includes working
            with employers to modify employment policies and practices, conducting workplace
               investigations, assisting in devising policies that enhance clients’ objectives while
              complying with the law, and helping to ensure that employee handbooks are up to
               date. Diana is a member of the American Bar Association’s Labor & Employment
             Equal Opportunity Committee, which concerns itself with significant developments
                                                         in employment discrimination law.
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