Page 350 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 350

Key to Exercises

             14.2                                          15.4                                          17.2
            2 The weather has been cold recently.          2  went                                       2  B

            3 It was cold last week.                       3  had gone                                   3  A or C
            4 I didn't read a newspaper yesterday.         4  broke                                      4  A or C
            5 I haven't read a newspaper today.            5  saw ... had broken ... stopped             5  A
            6 Emily has earned a lot of money this                                                       6  C
               year.                                       UNIT 16
            7 She didn't earn so much last year.           16.1                                          3  he didn't have
            8 Have you had a holiday recently?             2  They'd been playing football. /            4  I have or I've got

            14.3                                              They had been playing ...                  5  OK
            2 I got ...  I was ... I went                  3  I’d been looking forward to it. /          6  I didn't have
            3 Have you seen ...  I saw                        I had been looking forward ...             7  OK (or He hasn't got)
            4 I didn't sleep                               4  She'd been dreaming. /                     8  Did you have
            5 There were                                      She had been dreaming.                     9  OK
            6 worked ... he gave                           5  He'd been watching a film. /               17.4
            7 She's lived / She has lived                     He had been watching ...
                                                                                                         2 has a break
            8 Did you go ... it was ... was                16.2                                          3 had a party
            9 died ...  I never met                        2  I'd been waiting for 20 minutes            4 have a look
           10 I’ve never met / 1 have never met               when I realised that I was in the          5 's having / is having  a nice time
            11 I haven't seen                                 wrong restaurant,  or  ...that I had       6 had a chat
            12 have you lived  or  have you been              come to the wrong restaurant.              7 Did you have trouble

                living ... did you live ... did you Live   3  At the time the factory closed down,       8 had a baby
             14.4                                             Sarah had been working there for           9 was having a shower
            Example answers:                                  five years.                               10 Did you have a good flight?
            2 I haven't bought anything today.             4  The orchestra had been playing for
            3 I didn't watch TV yesterday.                    about ten minutes when a man in             UNIT 18
            4 I went out with some friends                    the audience started shouting.              18.1

               yesterday evening.                          5  Example answer:                            2 used to have/ride
             5 I haven't been to the cinema recently.         I’d been walking along the road            3 used to live
             6 I've read a lot of books recently.             for about ten minutes when a car            4 used to eat/like/love
                                                              suddenly stopped just behind me.
                                                                                                         5 used to be
             UNIT 15                                       16.3                                           6 used to take

             15.1                                          3  he was walking                             7 used to be
             2 It had changed a lot.                       4  She'd been running / She had been           8 did you use to go
             3 She'd arranged to do something                 running
                else. / She had arranged  ...              5  They were eating
             4 The film had already started.               6  They'd been eating / They had been
                                                                                                          •  She used to have lots of friends,
             5 I hadn't seen him for five years.              eating
                                                                                                             but she doesn’t know many people
             6 She'd just had breakfast. / She had         7  He was looking
                                                                                                            these days.
               just had ...                                8  was waiting ... she’d been waiting /
                                                                                                          •  She used to be very lazy, but she
                                                              she had been waiting
             15.2                                                                                           works very hard these days.
                                                           9  I'd had / 1 had had
             2 I'd never heard it before. /                                                               •  She didn’t use to like cheese, but she
                                                          10  We’d been travelling / We had been
                I had never heard ...                                                                       eats lots of cheese now.
             3 He'd never played (tennis) before. /                                                       •  She used to be a hotel receptionist,
                He had never played ...                                                                      but she works in a bookshop now.
                                                           UNIT 17
             4 We'd never been there before. /                                                            •  She used to play the piano, but she
                We had never been ...                      17.1                                              hasn't played the piano for years. /
                                                           3  I don't have a ladder. /                       ... played it for years.
                                                              I haven't got a ladder.                     •  She never used to read / She didn't
             1 we called
                                                           4  We didn’t have enough time.                    use to read  newspapers, but she
             2 there was ...
                                                           5  He didn't have a map.                          reads a newspaper every day now.
                She'd gone / She had gone
                                                           6  She doesn't have any money. /               ■  She didn't use to drink tea, but she
             3 He'd just come back from /
                                                              She hasn't got any money.                      likes it now.
                He had just come back from ...
                                                           7  I don't have enough energy, /               •  She used to have a dog, but it died
                He looked
                                                              I haven't got enough energy.                  two years ago.
             4 got a phone call
                                                           8  They didn't have a camera.                  •  She used to go to a lot of parties,
                He was
                                                                                                             but she hasn't been to a party for
                He'd sent her / He had sent her...
                she'd never replied to them /
                she had never replied to them

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