Page 354 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 354

Key to Exercises

            33.4                                          UNIT 35                                        36.4

            3  We should have reserved a table.                                                          2  He promised he'd call. /
            4  The shop should be open (now). /                                                             ... he would call.
                                                          2  You'd better put a plaster on it.
               The shop should have                                                                      3  You promised you wouldn't tell her.
                                                          3  We'd better reserve a table.
               opened by now.  or                                                                        4  They promised they'd wait (for us). /
                                                          4  You'd better not go to work (this
               it should ...                                                                                ... they would wait.
            5  She shouldn't be doing 50, /
                                                          5  I'd better pay my phone bill (soon). /      36.5
               She shouldn't be driving so fast. /
                                                             I'd better pay it (soon).                   2  wouldn't tell
               She should be driving more slowly.
                                                          6  I'd better not disturb him.                 3  wouldn't speak
            6  I should have written down her                                                            4  wouldn't let
               address. / 1 should have written her       35.2
               address down,  or                          3  'd better                                   36.6
               I should have written it down.             4  should                                      2  would shake
           7  The driver in front shouldn't have          5  should                                      3  would always help
               stopped without warning. / ...             6  'd better                                   4  would share
               shouldn't have stopped so suddenly.        7  should                                      5  would always forget
            8  I should have been looking where I         8  should
                                                                                                         UNIT 37
               was going. / 1 shouldn't have been         35.3
               looking behind me.                         1 b 'd/had                                     37.1
                                                                                                         2  Can/Could I leave a message (for
                                                             c close/shut
            UNIT 34                                          d hadn't                                       her)?  or

            34.1                                          2 a did                                           Can/Could you give her a message?
                                                                                                         3  Can/Could you tell me how to get to
            2  I should stay / 1 stay / 1 stayed             b was done
                                                                                                            the station?  or
               a tittle Longer                               c thought
                                                                                                            ... the way to the station?  or
            3  they should visit / they visit / they
               visited  the museum after lunch                                                              ... where the station is?
                                                          2  It's time I had a holiday.                  4  Can/Could 1 try on these trousers?
            4  we should pay / we pay / we paid
                                                          3  It's time the train left.
               the rent by Friday                                                                           or
                                                          4  It’s time I/we had a party.                    Can/Could I try these (trousers) on?
            5  I should go / 1 go / 1 went  away for
                                                          5  It's time some changes were made. /
               a few days                                                                                5  Can I give/offer you a lift?
                                                             It's time the company made some
            34.2                                             changes.
                                                                                                         3  Do you think you could check these
            1  b  OK                                      6  it’s time he tried something else,
                                                                                                            forms (for me)? / ... check them
               c  OK
               d  wrong                                   UNIT 36                                           (for me)?
                                                                                                         4  Do you mind if I leave work early?
            2  a  OK                                      36.1
                                                                                                         5  Do you think you could turn the
               b  wrong                                   Example answers:
                                                                                                            music down? / ... turn it down?
               c  OK                                      2  I wouldn't like to be a teacher.
                                                                                                         6  is it OK if I close the window?
            34.3                                          3  I'd love to learn to fly a plane.           7  Do you think I could have a look at
                                                          4  It would be nice to have a big garden.
            2  should say                                                                                   your paper? /... at your newspaper?
            3  should worry                               5  I'd like to go to Mexico.
            4  should leave                               36.2
                                                                                                         2  Can/Could/Would  you show me?
            5  should ask                                 2  'd enjoy / would enjoy
                                                                                                            or  Do you think you could show
            6  should listen                              3  'd have enjoyed / would have
                                                                                                            me?  or  ... do it for me?
            34.4                                             enjoyed                                     3  Would you like to sit down?
            2  If it should rain                          4  would you do                                   or  Would you like a seat?
            3  If there should be any problems            5  'd have stopped / would have                   or  Can I offer you a seat?
            4  If anyone should ask                           stopped                                    4  Can/Could/Would  you slow down?
            5  Should there be any problems               6  would have been                                or  Do you think you could ... ?
            6  Should anyone ask (where I’m going)        7  ‘d be / would be                            5  Can/Could/May  I/we have the
                                                          8  'd have passed / would have passed
            34.5                                                                                            bill, please?  or  Do you think I/we
                                                          9  would have
            2  I should keep                                                                                could have ... ?
            3  I should phone                              36.3                                          6  Would you like to borrow it?
            4  I should get                                2  e
                                                           3  b                                          UNIT 38
                                                           4  f
                                                           5  a
                                                                                                         2  b               5  b
                                                           6  d                                          3  a               6  a
                                                                                                         4  b               7  b

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