Page 356 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 356
Key to Exercises
UNIT 42 43.3 44.4
2 The computer is being used at the 2 got stung
moment. 3 get used
2 is made
3 I didn't realise that our conversation 4 got stolen
3 was damaged
was being recorded. 5 get paid
4 were invited
4 ... we found that the game had been 6 got stopped
5 are shown
cancelled. 7 get damaged
6 are held
5 A new ring road is being built round 8 get asked
7 was written ... was translated
the city.
8 were overtaken
6 A new hospital has been built near UNIT 45
9 is surrounded
the airport. 45.1
43.4 2 The weather is expected to be good
2 When was television invented?
3 It's been stolen! / It has been stolen! tomorrow.
3 How are mountains formed?
4 Somebody has taken it. or 3 The thieves are believed to have got
4 When were antibiotics discovered?
... taken my umbrella. in through a window in the roof.
5 What is silver used for?
5 He's been promoted. / He has been 4 Many people are reported to be
42.3 promoted. homeless after the floods.
3 covers 6 It's being redecorated. / It is being 5 The prisoner is thought to have
4 is covered redecorated. escaped by climbing over a wall.
5 are locked 7 It's working again. / It is working 6 The man is alleged to have been
6 was sent ... arrived again. driving at 110 miles an hour.
7 sank ... was rescued It's been repaired. / It has been 7 The building is reported to have
8 died ... were brought up repaired. been badly damaged by the fire.
9 grew up 8 The furniture had been moved. 8 a The company is said to be losing a
10 was stolen 9 He hasn't been seen since then. lot of money.
11 disappeared 10 I haven't seen her for ages. b The company is believed to have
12 did Sue resign 11 Have you ever been mugged? lost a lot of money last year,
13 was Ben fired c The company is expected to make
14 is owned UNIT 44 a loss this year.
15 called ... was injured . .
44.1 45.2
wasn't needed
2 I was asked some difficult questions 2 He is supposed to know a lot of
16 were these pictures taken ...
at the interview. famous people.
Did you take
3 Amy was given a present by her 3 He is supposed to be very rich.
17 'm not bothered / am not bothered
colleagues when she retired. 4 He is supposed to have twelve
42.4 4 I wasn't told about the meeting. children.
2 All flights were cancelled because of 5 How much will you be paid foryour 5 He is supposed to have been an
fog. work? actor when he was younger.
3 This road isn't used much. 6 I think Tom should have been 45.3
4 I was accused of stealing money. offered the job. 2 You’re / You are supposed to be my
5 How are languages learned/learnt? 7 Have you been shown what to do? friend.
6 We were warned not to go out
44.2 3 I’m /I am supposed to be on a diet.
2 being invited 4 It was supposed to be a joke.
3 being given 5 Or maybe it’s /it is supposed to
4 being knocked down be a flower.
43.1 5 being treated 6 You're / You are supposed to be
2 it can't be broken 6 being stuck working.
3 it can be eaten
44.3 45.4
4 it can't be used
2-6 2 're / are supposed to start
5 it can't be seen
• Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 3 was supposed to phone
6 it can be carried
1770. 4 aren't / ’re not / are not supposed
43.2 • Galileo was born in 1564. to block
3 be made • Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869. 5 was supposed to depart
4 be spent • Michaeljackson was born in 1958.
5 have been repaired Martin Luther King was born in 1929. UNIT 46
6 be carried • Elvis Presley was born in 1935. 46,1
7 be woken up • William Shakespeare was born in 1 b
8 have been arrested 1564. 2 a
9 have been caused • Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452. 3 a
7 I was born in ... 4 b