Page 361 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 361

Key to Exercises

                 64.4                                           UNIT 66                                       UNIT 68
                 2  so that I wouldn't be cold.
                                                                66.1                                          68.1
                 3  so that he could contact me. /
                                                                3  I'm afraid of losing it.                   2  Amy was sitting in an armchair
                     ... would be able to contact me.
                                                                4  I was afraid to tell her.                     reading a book.
                  4  so that nobody else would hear our
                                                                5  We were afraid of missing our train.       3  Sue opened the door carefully trying
                     conversation. / so that nobody else
                                                                6  We were afraid to took.                       not to make a noise.
                     could h e a r w o u l d  be able to
                                                                7  I was afraid of dropping it.               4  Sarah went out saying she would be
                                                                8  a  I was afraid to eat it.                    back in an hour.
                  5  so that we can start the meeting
                                                                   b  I was afraid of getting sick.           5  Lisa was in London for two years
                     on time. / so that we'll be able to
                                                                                                                 working in a bookshop.
                     start ...                                  66.2                                          6  Anna walked around the town
                  6  so that we wouldn't forget anything.       2  in starting                                   looking at the sights and taking
                 7  so that the car behind me could             3  to read                                       pictures.
                     overtake. / ... would be able to           4  in getting
                     overtake.                                  5  to know                                    68.2
                                                                6  in looking                                 2  I fell asleep watching TV.
                  UNIT 65                                                                                     3  A friend of mine slipped and fell
                                                                                                                 getting off a bus.
                 65.1                                           2  sorry to hear
                                                                                                              4  I got very wet walking home in the
                 2  This machine is easy to use.                3  sorry for saying /
                 3  The window was very difficult to               sorry about saying / sorry I said
                                                                                                              5  Laura had an accident driving to
                     open.                                      4  sorry to disturb
                                                                                                                 work yesterday.
                 4  Some words are impossible to                5  sorry for losing / sorry about losing /
                                                                                                              6  Two people were overcome by
                     translate.                                    sorry I lost
                                                                                                                 smoke trying to put out the fire.
                 5  A car is expensive to maintain.
                 6  That chair isn't safe to stand on.                                                        68.3
                                                                1  b  to leave
                                                                                                              2  Having bought our tickets, we went
                 65.2                                              c  from leaving
                                                                                                                 into the theatre.
                 2  It’s an easy mistake to make.               2  a  to solve
                                                                                                              3  Having had Lunch, they continued
                 3  It’s a nice place to live,  or                 b  in solving
                                                                                                                 their journey.
                     ... a nice place to live in.               3  a  of/about going
                                                                                                              4  Having done the shopping, I went for
                 4  It was a good game to watch.                   b  to go
                                                                                                                 a cup of coffee.
                                                                   c  to go
                                                                   d  to going                                68.4
                 2  It's careless of you to make the same
                                                                4  a  to buy                                  2  Thinking they might be hungry,...
                     mistake again and again.
                                                                   b  on buying                               3  Being a vegetarian,...
                 3  It was nice of them to invite me (to
                                                                   c  to buy                                  4  Not knowing his email address,...
                    stay with them). / It was nice of Dan
                                                                   d  of buying                               5  Having travelled a lot,...
                    and Jenny to ...
                                                                                                              6  Not being able to speak the local
                 4  It's inconsiderate of them to make
                                                                UNIT 67                                          language,...
                    so much noise. / It's inconsiderate of
                    the neighbours to ...                       67.1                                          7  Having spent nearly all our money,...
                                                                2  arrive
                 65.4                                                                                         UNIT 69
                                                                3  take it / do it
                 2  I'm / 1 am  glad to hear  or
                                                                4  it ring                                    69.1
                    I was glad to hear
                                                                5  him play  or  him playing                  3  We went to a very nice restaurant ...
                 3  We were surprised to see
                                                                6  you lock it/you do it                      4  OK
                 4  Pleased to meet
                                                                7  her fall                                   5  I use a toothbrush ...
                 65.5                                                                                         6  ... if there's a bank near here?
                 2  Paul was the Last (person) to arrive.                                                     7  ... for an insurance company
                                                                2  We saw David and Helen playing
                 3  Emily was the only student to pass                                                        8  OK
                    (the exam). / ... the only one to pass                                                    9  OK
                                                                3  We saw Clare eating in a restaurant. /
                    (the exam).                                                                              10  ... we stayed in a big hotel.
                                                                   ... having a meal in a restaurant.
                 4  I was the second  customer/person                                                        11  ...  I hope we come to a petrol
                                                                4  We heard Bill playing his guitar.
                    to complain (about the service).                                                             station soon.
                                                                5  We could smell the dinner burning.
                 5  Neil Armstrong was the first                                                             12  ...  I have a problem.
                                                                6  We saw Linda  jogging/running.
                    person/man  to walk on the moon.                                                         13  ...  It’s a very interesting idea.
                                                                67.3                                         14  John has an interview for a job
                                                                3 tell                  8 explode                tomorrow.
                 2 're/are  bound to be
                                                                4 crying                9 crawling           15  ... it's a good game.
                 3 's/is sure to forget
                                                                5 riding               10 slam               16  OK
                 4 's/is not likely to rain  or
                                                                6 say                  11 sleeping           17  jane was wearing a beautiful
                    isn't likely to rain
                                                                7  run  ... climb                                necklace.
                 5 's/is likely to be

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