Page 362 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 362
Key to Exercises
69.2 70.3 UNIT 72
3 a key 2 I’d like some information about
4 a coat places to see in the town.
1 ... and a magazine. The newspaper
5 sugar 3 Can you give me (some) advice
is in my bag, but I can't remember
6 a biscuit about which courses to do? / ...
where I put the magazine.
7 electricity courses I can do?
2 I saw an accident this morning. A
8 an interview 4 What time is the news (on)?
car crashed into a tree. The driver
9 blood 5 It's a beautiful view, isn't it?
of the car wasn't hurt, but the car
10 a question 6 What horrible/awful weather!
11 a moment was badly damaged.
3 ... a blue one and a grey one. The
12 a decision UNIT 71
blue one belongs to my neighbours;
69.3 71.1 I don't know who the owner of the
2 days 3 It's a vegetable. grey one is.
3 meat 4 It's a game. / It's a board game. 4 My friends live in an old house in a
4 a queue 5 They're birds. small village. There is a beautiful
5 jokes 6 It's a (tall/high) building. garden behind the house. I would
6 friends 7 They're planets. like to have a garden like that.
7 people 8 It's a flower. 72.2
8 air 9 They're rivers.
9 patience 10 They're musical instruments. 1 a a
b the
10 an umbrella 12 He was a writer / a poet / a c the
11 languages playwright / a dramatist. 2 a a
12 space 13 He was a scientist / a physicist.
14 They were US presidents / b a
c the
UNIT 70 American presidents / presidents of
3 a a
the USA.
70.1 b the
15 She was an actress / a film actress /
2 a a paper c the
a film star / a movie star.
b paper 4 a an ... The
16 They were singers.
3 a Light b the
17 They were painters / artists.
b a light c the
4 a time 71.2 5 a the
b a wonderful time 2 He's a waiter. b a
5 a nice room 3 She's a journalist.
c a
6 advice 4 He's a surgeon.
7 nice weather 5 He's a chef.
2 the dentist
8 bad luck 6 He's a plumber.
3 the door
9 job 7 She's a tour guide.
4 a mistake
10 journey 8 She's an interpreter.
5 the bus station
11 total chaos
71.3 6 a problem
12 some bread 4
r a □ 7 the post office
13 doesn't
5 an 8 the floor
14 Your hair is ... it
6 - (You're always asking questions!) 9 the book
15 The damage
7 a 10 a job in a bank
70.2 8 Some 11 a small apartment in the city centre
2 information 9 - (Do you like staying in hotels?) 12 a supermarket at the end of the
3 chairs 10 - (I've got sore feet.) street
4 furniture 11 a
5 hair 12 some
Example answers:
6 progress 13 a ... a
2 About once a month.
7 job 14 - (Those are nice shoes.)
3 Once or twice a year,
8 work 15 some
4 SO kilometres an hour.
9 permission 16 You need a visa to visit some
5 About seven hours a night.
10 advice countries
6 Two or three times a week.
11 experience 17 Jane is a teacher. Her parents were
7 About two hours a day.
12 experiences teachers too.
8 About £20 a day.
18 He's a liar. He's always telling lies.