Page 364 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 364

Key to Exercises

           77.3                                          79.2                                           80.3
           2 (in) South America                          2 politics             5  physics              2 twenty-pound
           3 the Nile                                    3 economics            6  gymnastics           3 ten-pound
           4 Sweden                                      4 athletics            7  electronics          4 15-minute
           5 the United States                                                                          5 60 minutes
           6 the Rockies                                                                                6 two-hour
                                                         2 don't
           7 the Mediterranean                                                                          7 twelve-storey
                                                         3 want
           8 Australia                                                                                  8 five days
                                                         4 was
           9 the Pacific                                                                                9 Five-star
                                                         5 aren't
          10 the Indian Ocean                                                                          10 six years old
                                                         6 are
          11 the Thames                                                                                11 500-year-old
                                                         7 wasn't
          12 the Danube                                                                                12 twelve-hour ... 24-hour
                                                         8 does  or  do
          13 Thailand
                                                         9 they are
          14 the Panama Canal                                                                           UNIT 81
                                                        10 Do
          15 the Amazon
                                                        11 is  or  are                                  81.1
                                                        12 enjoy                                        3 your friend's umbrella
           UNIT 78
                                                                                                       4 OK
           78.1                                                                                         5 Charles’s daughter
                                                         3     wearing black jeans.
           2  Turner's in Carter Road                                                                  6 Helen and Dan's son
                                                         4 OK
           3  the Crown (Hotel) in Park Road                                                            7  OK
                                                         5 ... very nice people.
           4  St Peter’s in Market Street                                                               8 last Monday's newspaper
                                                         6 Ten pounds isn’t ...
           5  the City Museum in George Street                                                         9 OK
                                                         7 ...  buy some new pyjamas,  or
           6  Blackstone's (Books) in Forest Avenue                                                   10 OK
                                                            ...  buy a new pair of pyjamas.
           7  Mario's (Pizza) in George Street                                                         11 Your children's friends
                                                         8 OK (The committee hasn't is also
           8  Victoria Park at the end of Market                                                      12 Our neighbours' garden
              Street                                                                                  13 OK
                                                         9 There was a police officer /
           78.2                                             a policeman / a policewoman ...           14 David's hair
           2  The Eiffel Tower                          10 What are the police ...                     15 Katherine's party
           3  Buckingham Palace                         11 These scissors aren't...                   16 OK            ■  1
                                                                                                           K. A * 1  i
           4  The White House                           12 OK                                          17 Mike s parents  car
           5  The Kremlin                                                                             18 OK
                                                                                                      19 OK (the government's economic
           6  Broadway                                   UNIT 80
                                                                                                           policy is also correct)
           7  The Acropolis
           8  Gatwick Airport                                                                           a \
                                                         3 a job interview
                                                                                                       2 a boy s name
           78.3                                          4 (your) holiday pictures
                                                                                                        3 children's clothes
           2 Central Park                                5 milk chocolate
                                                                                                       4 a girls' school
           3 St James's Park                             6 a factory inspector
                                                                                                       D  a bird's nest
           4 The Imperial Hotel...  Baker Street         7 a race horse
                                                                                                        6 a women's magazine
           5 Dublin Airport                              8 a horse race
           6 Liverpool University                        9 running shoes                                81.3
           7 Harrison's                                 10 a university student                        2 Last week’s storm caused a lot of
           8 the Park Plaza                             11 (your) exam results                            damage.
           9 The Statue of Liberty ...  New York        12 the living room carpet                       3 The town's only cinema has closed
              Harbour                                   13 an oil company scandal                         down.
          10 the Science Museum                         14 car factory workers                          4 Britain's weather is very changeable
          11 IBM  ... British Telecom                   15 a road improvement scheme                    5 The region's main industry is
          12 The Classic                                16 a New York department store                    tourism.
          13 the Great Wall                             17 a five-day course
          14 The Times                                  18 a two-part question
                                                                                                        2 twenty minutes' walk
          15 Cambridge University Press                 19 a thirty-year-old man
                                                                                                        3 two weeks' holiday / fourteen days'
          16 the College of Art
                                                         80.2                                              holiday / a fortnight’s holiday
                                                         2 seat belt                                    4 an/one hour's sleep
           UNIT 79
                                                         3 credit card
           79.1                                          4 weather forecast

           3  shorts                                     5 newspaper editor
           4  a means                                    6 shop window
           5  means                                      7 room number
           6  some scissors  or  a pair of scissors      8 birthday party
           7  a series                                   9 truck driver
           8  series
           9  species
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