Page 369 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 369

Key to Exercises

                  100.3                                         UNIT 102                                      103.2
                  2 careful                                                                                   2 too busy to talk
                  3 continuously                                                                              3 too late to go
                                                                4 so
                  4 happily                                                                                   4 warm enough to sit
                                                                5 so
                  5 fluent                                                                                    5 too shy to be
                                                                6 such a
                  6 specially                                                                                 6 enough patience to be
                                                                7 so
                  7 complete                                                                                  7 too far away to hear
                                                                8 such
                  8 perfectly                                                                                 8 enough English to read
                                                                9 such a
                  9 nervous
                                                               10 such a                                      103.3
                 10 financially  or  completely
                                                               11 so                                          2 This coffee is too hot to drink.
                  100,4                                        12 so ... such                                 3 The piano was too heavy to move.
                  2 seriously ill                              13 so                                          4 These apples  aren't / are not  ripe
                  3 absolutely enormous                        14 such a                                         enough to eat.
                  4 slightly damaged                           15 such a                                      5 The situation is too complicated to
                  5 unusually quiet                                                                              explain.
                  6 completely changed                                                                        6 The wall was too high to climb over.
                                                                3  I was so tired (that) l couldn't keep
                  7 unnecessarily long                                                                        7 This sofa  isn't / is not  big enough
                                                                   my eyes open.
                  8 badly planned                                                                                for three people (to sit on).
                                                                4  We had such a good time on holiday
                                                                                                              8 Some things are too small to see
                                                                   (that) we didn't want to come
                  UNIT 101                                                                                       without a microscope.
                  101.1                                         5  She speaks English so well (that)
                  2 good                                           you would think it was her native           UNIT 104
                  3 well                                           language,  or  She speaks such good        104.1
                  4 good                                           English (that)...                          2 quite hungry
                  5 well                                    I                                                 3 Quite good
                  6 well... good                                                                              4 quite often
                  7 well                                                                                       5 quite noisy
                                                                6  I’ve got such a lot to do (that) I
                  8 good                                                                                       6 quite surprised
                                                                   don't know where to begin,  or
                  9 well                                                                                      7 quite late
                                                                   I've got so much to do (that)  .,.
                                                                                                               8 quite old
                  101.2                                         7  The music was so loud (that) you
                  2 well-known                                     could hear it from miles away.             104.2
                  3 well-kept                                   8  I had such a big breakfast (that) I        2 quite a good voice
                  4 well-written                                   didn’t eat anything else for the rest      3 quite a long way
                  5 well-informed                                  of the day.                                4 a pretty cold wind
                  6 well-dressed                                9  It was such horrible weather               5 quite a lot of traffic
                  7 well-paid                                      (that) we spent the whole day               6 a pretty busy day
                  101.3                                                                                       104.3
                                                               10  I was so surprised (that) I
                  2 OK                5  OK                                                                   Example answers:
                                                                   didn't know what to say.
                  3 OK                6  slowly                                                               2 rather long
                  4 hard                                        102.3                                         3 rather disappointed
                                                                Example answers:                              4 rather strange
                                                                2  a  She's so friendly.                       5 rather impatient
                  2 hardly hear
                                                                   b  She's such a nice person.
                  3 hardly slept                                                                              104.4
                                                                3  a  It's so lively.
                  4 hardly speak                                                                              3 more than a little ...
                                                                   b  It's such an exciting place.
                  5 hardly said                                                                               4 completely
                                                                4  a  It’s so exhausting.
                  6 hardly changed                                                                            5 more than a little ...
                                                                   b  It’s such a difficult job,
                  7 hardly recognised                                                                         6 more than a little ...
                                                                5  a  I haven't seen you for so long.
                  101.5                                            b  I haven't seen you for such a long      7 completely
                  2 hardly any                                        time.                                   104.5
                  3 hardly anything                             103.1                                         2 quite safe
                  4 hardly anybody/anyone                       UNIT 103                                      3 quite impossible
                                                                3 enough money
                  5 hardly ever                                 4 enough milk                                 4 quite right
                  6 Hardly anybody/anyone                       5 warm enough                                 5 quite different
                  7 hardly anywhere                                                                           6 quite unnecessary
                                                                6 enough room
                  8 hardly  or  hardly ever                     7 well enough                                 7 quite sure
                  9 hardly any                                  8 enough time
                 10 hardly anything ... hardly                  9 big enough
                                                               10 enough cups

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