Page 371 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 371

Key to Exercises

                  UNIT 109                                      110.2                                          111.2
                                                                2  Katherine is always very generous.          2  He hasn't gone yet.
                                                                3  I don't usually have to work                3  They haven’t finished {repairing the
                  3  Joe doesn’t like football very
                                                                   on Saturdays.                                  road) yet.
                                                                4  Do you always watch TV in                   4  They haven't woken up yet.
                  4  OK
                                                                   the evenings?                               5  Has she found a place to live yet?
                  5  I ate my breakfast quickly and ...
                                                                5  ... he is also learningjapanese.            6  I haven't decided (what to do) yet.
                  6  ... a lot of people to the party?
                                                                6  a  We were all on holiday in Spain,         7  It hasn't taken off yet.
                  7  OK
                                                                   b  We were all staying at the same
                  8  Did you go to bed late last                                                               111.3
                     night?                                                                                    5  I don’t want to go out yet.
                                                                   c  We all enjoyed ourselves.
                  9  OK                                                                                        6  she doesn't work there any
                                                                7  a  The new hotel is probably very
                 10  I met a friend of mine on my way                                                             more
                     home.                                                                                     7  I still have a lot of friends
                                                                   b  It probably costs a lot to stay             there,  or  i've still got...
                  109.2                                               there.
                  2  We won the game easily.                    8  a  I can probably help you.                 8  We’ve already met.
                  3  I closed the door quietly.                    b  I probably can’t help you.               9  Do you still live in the same place
                  4  Tanya speaks German quite well.                                                          10  have you already eaten
                                                                110.3                                         11  He's not here yet.
                  5  Sam watches TV all the time.
                                                                2 I usually take                              12  he still isn't here (he isn't here yet is
                  6  Please don't ask that question again.
                                                                3 I am usually / i'm usually                      also possible)
                  7  Does Kevin play football every
                                                                4 were both born                              13  are you already a member
                                                                5 She can also sing                           14  I can still remember it very clearly
                  8  I borrowed some money from a
                                                                6 usually sleeps                              15  These trousers don't fit me any
                     friend of mine.
                                                                7 I have never spoken / I've never                more.
                  109.3                                            spoken                                     16  ‘Have you finished with the paper
                  2 I go to the supermarket every Friday.       8 You always have to wait                         yet?'  'No, I'm still reading it.'
                  3 Why did you come home so                    9 I can only read  or  I can read only
                     late?                                     10 We were all... we all fell                   UNIT 112
                  4 Sarah takes her children to                 11 I always am                                 112.1
                     school every day.                         12 I will probably be leaving /                 2  even Lisa
                  5 I haven't been to the cinema                   I'll probably be leaving                    3  not even Amy
                     recently.                                 13 I probably won't be                          4  even Lisa
                  6 Please write your name at the top of       14 She is hardly ever / She's hardly ever       5  even Kate
                     the page.                                 15 We are still living / We're still living     6  not even Lisa
                  7 I remembered her name after a few          16 we would never have met /
                     minutes.                                      we'd never have met                         112.2

                  8 We walked around the town                  17 always says ...  she never does              2  We even painted the floor.
                     all morning.                                                                              3  She's even met the prime minister.
                  9 I didn’t see you at the party               UNIT 111                                       4  You could even hear it / You could
                     on Saturday night.                                                                           even hear the noise from the next
                 10 We found some interesting books in                                                            street,  or  You could hear it / You
                                                                3 He doesn't write poems any
                     the library.                                                                                 could hear the noise  even from the
                 11 Laura left her umbrella in a                                                                  next street.
                                                                4 He still wants to be a teacher
                     restaurant last night                                                                     6  I can't even remember her name.
                                                                5 He isn't / He's not interested in
                 12 They are building a new hotel                                                             7  There isn't even a cinema.
                                                                   politics any more.
                     opposite the park.                                                                        8  He didn't even tell his wife (where
                                                                6 He’s still single.
                                                                                                                  he was going).
                                                                7 He doesn’t go fishing any
                  UNIT 110                                                                                     9  I don't even know the people next
                  110.1                                         8 He doesn't have a beard any more.               door.
                  3  I usually have ...                            or  He hasn’t got ...                       112.3

                  4  OK                                         10-12                                         2  even older
                  5  Steve hardly ever gets angry.              •  He no longer writes poems.                 3  even better
                  6  ... and I also went to the bank.           •  He is / He's no longer interested in       4  even more difficult
                  7  Jane always has to hurry ...                  politics.                                  5  even worse
                  8  I've never worked / i have never           •  He no longer goes fishing.                 6  even less
                     worked ...                                 •  He no longer has a beard,  or              112.4
                  9  OK (I never have enough time.)                He's no longer got a beard.                2 if                    6 Even
                     I'm always busy.  /  I am always
                                                                                                              3 even if               7 even
                                                                                                              4 even                  8 even
                                                                                                              5 even though           9 Even

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