Page 372 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 372

Key to Exercises

            UNIT 113                                      UNIT 114                                       115.3
                                                                                                         2 unless              7 provided
            113.1                                         114.1
                                                                                                         3 providing           8 Unless
            2  Although I had never seen her before       2-5
                                                                                                         4 as long as          9 unless
            3  although it was quite cold                 •  Take a map in case you get lost.
                                                                                                         5 unless             10 as long as
            4  although we don't tike them very           •  Take an anorak in case it rains.
                                                                                                         6 unless
               much                                       •  Take a camera in case you want to
            5  Although I didn't speak the Language          take some pictures.                         115.4
               well                                       •  Take some water in case you're              Example answers:
            6  Although the heating was on                   thirsty. / ... in case you are thirsty.     2  it's not too hot
            7  although I'd met her twice before             or  ... you get thirsty.                    3  there isn't too much traffic
            8  although we've known each other a                                                         4  it isn't raining
               long time                                                                                 5  I'm in a hurry
                                                          2  I'll say goodbye now in case I don't
                                                                                                         6  you have something else to do
            113.2                                            see you again (before you go).
                                                                                                         7  you pay it back next week
            2 a In spite of (or Despite)                  3  Can you check the list in case we
                                                                                                         8  you take risks
               b Although                                    forgot something?
            3 a because                                      or  ... forgot anything?
                                                                                                         UNIT 116
               b although                                 4  You should back up your files in
            4 a because of                                   case there's a problem with your            116.1
                                                                                                         2 1 listened as she told me her story.
               b in spite of (or despite)                    computer. / ... there is a problem
            5 a although                                     with your computer.                         3 1 burnt myself as 1 was taking a hot
                                                                                                            dish out of the oven.
               b because of
            Example answers:                                                                             4 The crowd cheered as the two teams
                                                          2  in case I forgot it.
            6  a  he hadn't studied very hard                                                               came onto the field.
                                                          3  in case they were worried (about
               b  he had studied very hard                                                               5 A dog ran out in front of the car as
            7  a  1 was hungry                                                                              we were driving along the road.
                                                          4  in case she didn't get the first one. /
               b  being hungry / my hunger / the                                                         116.2
                                                             in case she hadn't got... / in case she
                 fact (that) I was hungry                                                                2 As today is a public holiday, many of
                                                             hadn't gotten ...
                                                                                                            the shops are shut.
            113.3                                         5  in case they came to London (one
                                                                                                         3 As 1 didn't want to disturb anybody, 1
            2  In spite of having very little money,         day).
                                                                                                            was very quiet.
               they are happy,  or
               In spite of the fact (that) they have                                                     4 As 1 don't know what to do, 1 need
                                                          3  If  7            if
               very Little money ...                                                                        some advice.
                                                          4  if  8             in  case                  5 As none of us had a watch, we didn't
            3  Although my foot was injured,
                                                          5  in  case          9 in case                    know what time it was.
               I managed to walk home,  or
                                                          6  if
               ! managed to walk home although                                                           116.3
               my ...                                     UNIT 115                                       3 because
            4  I enjoyed the film in spite of the silly                                                  4 at the same time as
               story. /...  in spite of the story being                                                  5 at the same time as
                                                          2  You won't know what to do unless
               silly. / ... in spite of the fact (that) the                                              6 because
                                                             you listen carefully.
               story was silly,  or                                                                      7 because
                                                          3  I'll never speak to her again unless
               In spite o f..., I enjoyed the film.
                                                             she apologises to me.  or                   116.4
            5  Despite living in the same street,
                                                             Unless she apologises to me, I'll...        3 OK
               we hardly ever see each other,  or
                                                          4  He won't be able to understand you          4 when 1 was in London
               Despite the fact (that) we live in  ...
                                                             unless you speak very slowly,  or           5 When 1 left school
               or  We hardly ever see each other
                                                              Unless you speak very slowly, he ...       6 OK
               despite ...
                                                          5  The company will have to close              7 when 1 was a child
            6  Even though I was only out for five
                                                             unless business improves soon,  or
               minutes, I got very wet in the rain.                                                      116.5
                                                              Unless business improves soon, the
               or  I got very wet in the rain even                                                       Example answers:
                                                             company ...
               though I was ...                                                                          1  I saw you as you were getting into
                                                          115.2                                             your car.
                                                          2  I’m not going (to the party) unless         2  It started to rain just as we started
            2  It's very windy though,
                                                             you go too. /                                  playing tennis.
            3  We ate it though,
                                                              ... unless you're going too.               3  As I didn't have enough money for a
            4  I don't like her husband though.
                                                          3  The dog won't attack you unless you            taxi, I had to walk home.
                                                              move suddenly.                             4  just as I took the picture, somebody
                                                          4  Ben won't speak to you unless you              walked in front of the camera.
                                                              ask him something.

                                                           5  The doctor won't see you unless it's
                                                              an emergency.
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