Page 377 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 377
Key to Exercises
135.3 UNIT 137 138.3
2 paid for 2 dropped out
3 accused of 3 moved in
2 sit down
4 depends on 4 left out
3 flew away
5 live on 5 joined in
4 get out
6 apologise to 6 eating out or to eat out
5 speak up
7 suffers from 7 taken in
6 get by
8 congratulated (him) on 8 dropped in
7 gone up
9 get out of
135.4 8 looked round
2 from 138.4
3 on 2 Fill them in or Fill them out
2 back at
4 - (no preposition) 3 cross it out
3 up to
5 from 4 took me in
4 forward to
6 depends how (nopreposition) or 5 let us in
5 away with
depends on how
6 up at
7 on UNIT 139
7 in through
8 of 139.1
9 on 137.3 2 a mistake
2 wake me up
3 a candle
UNIT 136 3 get it out
4 an order
4 give them back
136.1 5 a cigarette / a candle
5 switch it on
2 happened to 6 a new product
6 take them off
3 invited to 7 a mess
4 divided into 137.4
5 believe in 3 I have to take them back
2 works out
6 fill (it) with 4 We can turn the television off
3 carried out
7 drove into or We can turn off the television
4 ran out
8 Concentrate on 5 I knocked it over
5 sort out / work out
9 succeeded in 6 I don’t want to wake her up
6 find out
7 (example answer) You should put
136.2 7 tried out
your coat on or
2 I prefer small towns to big cities 8 pointed out
3 Jane provided me with all the You should put on your coat 9 workout
information I needed 8 1 was able to put it out 10 went out
9 (example answer) they've put the
4 This morning t spent £70 on a pair of 11 turned out
price(s) up or
shoes 12 works out / turns out
5 The city is divided into ten districts they've put up the price(s) 13 find out
10 Shall I turn the light(s) on? or
136.3 14 put out
Shall I turn on the light(s)?
2 to 139.3
3 on UNIT 138 2 giving out / handing out
4 in 3 turned out nice/fine/sunny
5 to 4 working out
2 eats
6 in 5 fallen out
3 moved
7 with 6 work out how to use the camera /
4 drop
8 into her new camera
5 checked
9 in
6 cut 139.4
10 on
7 plug 2 try it out
11 - (no preposition)
8 filling/to fill 3 work it out
12 into
9 left 4 sorted it out / worked it out
13 on
10 dive
14 into
11 rub/cross UNIT 140
15 with
12 dropped 140.1
16 from (one language) into another
138.2 2 put the heating on
2 into 3 put the oven on
Example answers:
3 in 4 put the kettle on
2 on petrol 5 put a CD on
4 out
3 into a wall
5 into
4 to volleyball
6 out of
5 in seafood
6 into many languages