Page 381 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 381

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                 22                                            2  I had reserved a hotel room, but            27
                 3 was cancelled                                  when I got to the hotel they told           3  I don't fancy going out.
                 4 has been repaired                              me (that) they had no record of a           4  He tends to forget things.
                 5 is being restored                              reservation in my name.                     5  Would you mind helping me? /
                 6 It's believed / It is believed                 When I asked (them)  if/whether                Do you mind helping me?
                 7 I’d be sacked /1 would be sacked               they had any rooms free anyway,             6  Everybody seems to have gone out.
                 8 It might have been thrown                      they said (that) they were sorry,           7  We're/We are  thinking of moving.
                 9 1 was taught                                   but the hotel was full.                     8  I was afraid to touch it.
                10 being arrested / having been                3  The immigration official asked us           9  He's / He is  afraid of being
                    arrested  or  1 was arrested                  why we were visiting the country,              robbed.
                11 Have you ever been arrested                    and we told him(that) we were on           10  It's/It is  not worth seeing.
                12 are reported ...  have been injured            holiday.                                   11  I'm not used to walking so far.
                                                                  Then he wanted to know how long            12  She seems to be enjoying herself.
                 23                                               we intended to stay and where we           13  He insisted on showing them to me.
                 3 ‘ve sold / have sold  or  sold                 would be staying during our visit.         14  I'd rather somebody else did it.
                 4 's been sold / has been sold  or  v         4  She said (that) she'd phone (us)
                    sold                                          from the airport when she arrived           2 8
                 5 are made                                       or  She said (that) she'll phone (us)       3  I've given up reading newspapers.
                 6 might be stolen                                from the airport when she arrives.          4  I'd rather not go out tonight /
                 7 must have been stolen                           No, she said not to come to the               .,. stay at home tonight.
                 8 must have taken                                airport.                                    5  He has trouble sleeping at night.
                 9 can be solved                                   She said (that) she'd take the bus         6  Do you want me to phone
                10 should have Left                               or  She said (that) she'll take the            you this evening?
                11 is delayed                                      bus.                                       7  I came in without  anybody/anyone
                12 is being built... is expected               5  He wanted to know what my job                  seeing me / ... without being seen,
                                                                  was and asked (me) how much I               8  I was accused of being a cheat /
                 24                                               earned,  or                                    ... of cheating.
                 Castle Fire                                       He wanted to know what my job is           9  I'm looking forward to seeing them
                 2  was discovered                                and asked (me) how much I earn.                again,
                 3  was injured                                    ... so I told him to mind his own         10  What do you advise me to do?
                 4  be rescued                                     business and I put the phone down.        11  I'd like to have gone out with
                 5  are believed to have been destroyed        6  He said (that) he'd be at the                  you last night.
                 6  is not known                                  restaurant at 7.30.                        12  I regret not taking your advice /
                 Shop robbery                                      He said (that) he knew where the              ,,. that I didn't take your advice.
                 1  was forced                                    restaurant was.  And I told him
                 2  being threatened                              to phone me if there was any                29
                 3  had been stolen                               problem.                                    2  a foreign country ... the language
                 4  was later found                            7  You just said (that) you weren't            3  an economist... in the United States
                 5  had been abandoned                            hungry                                         ... for an investment company
                 6  has been arrested / was arrested               But you said (that) you didn't tike        4  I Love sport, especially tennis ...
                 7  is still being questioned                     bananas.  You told me not to buy               two or three times a week ...
                 Road delays                                      any                                            not a very good player
                 1  is being resurfaced                                                                       5  for dinner... after work ... to the
                 2  are asked / are being asked /  have        26                                                cinema
                    been asked                                 3 changing                                     6  When unemployment is ... for
                 3  is expected                                4 to change                                       people to find work .... a big problem
                 4  will be closed / is going to be closed     5 change                                       7  an accident... going home ... taken
                 5  will be diverted / is going to be          6 being                                           to hospital / taken to the hospital ...
                    diverted                                   7 saying                                          I think most accidents ... by people
                 Accident                                      8 to call                                         driving
                 1  was taken                                  9 drinking                                     8  the name of the hotel... The
                 2  was allowed                               10 to be                                           Ambassador...  in Queen Street in
                 3  was blocked                               11 to see                                          the city centre ... near the station
                 4  be diverted                               12 to be                                        9  The older one ... a pilot with British
                 5  have been killed                          13 to think ... making                             Airways ... The younger one ... at
                                                              14 living ... to move                              school ...  he leaves school... go to
                 25                                           15 to be ...  playing                              university ... study law
                 1  I told her (that) Paul had gone out       16 being stopped ... stealing
                    and I didn't know when he'd be                driving
                    back.                                     17 work ... pressing
                    ! asked (her)  if/whether  she
                    wanted to leave a message, but
                    she said (that) she'd try again later.

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