Page 386 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 386
front (in/at/on the front) 124D had in
full (of) 131B had done (past perfect) 15 /rt(time) 121
furious (about/with/for) 130B had been doing (past perfect in time and on time 122A
furniture (uncountable noun) 70B continuous) 16 in the end and at the end 122 B
further 105C had (past of have) 17 in (position) 123-126
future 19-25, Appendix 3 if I'd known / / wish I'd known 4 0 in/of after a superlative 108D
present tenses for the future 19 had better 35A-B in (other uses) 127A, 129C
going to 20 hair (countable or uncountable noun) adjective + in 131C
will 21-22 70A verb + in 136A, 137,138
will and shall 21D, 22D half (of) 88 in and in to 138A
will and going to 23 happen (to) 136D in case 114
will be doing (future continuous) 24 happy (happy about/with) 130B increase (in) 129C
will have done (future perfect) 24 hard 101B-C infinitive (to be, to play etc.) 54-59,
future with when, if etc. 25,114A, hardly 101C-D 64-67
115C, 119 B hate passive infinitive (to be done) 43A-B
hate doing / to do 58 infinitive in reported speech 48D
generous (+ preposition) 130A
would hate 58B-C verbs + infinitive 54-59
geographical names with and without
have/has 17 continuous infinitive (to be doing) 54C
the 71
have done (present perfect) 7-14 perfect infinitive (to have done) 54C,
gerund see -ing
have been -ing (present perfect 58C
continuous) 9-10 infinitive after a question word 54D
get in the passive 44D
have and have got 17 verbs + object + infinitive 55
get something done 46C
have breakfast / have a bath etc. 17C verbs + infinitive or -ing 55-58
get someone to do something 55 B
I’m having, we're having etc. 17C fo-infinitive and to + -ing 60C
get used to 61
have to (and must) 31 infinitive for purpose (I went out to post
get + adjective 99C
have got to 31D a letter) 64
get to (a place) 126B
have something done 46 adjectives + infinitive 65-66
get in/out/on/off 126D, 138A
having (done) 53D, 68C infinitive without to
get by 137A
hear after make and let 55D
get out of 138C
with the present simple or can 4C see/hear somebody do 67
get on 137A, 141B
hear someone do/doing 67 information (uncountable noun) 70B
get away (with) 145B
hear of/about/from 134A -ing [being, playing etc.) 53, 55-63
get back to 145C
help being (done) (passive) 44B
help + to... 55A verbs + -ing 53, 55-59
give in passive sentences 44A
can't help 57C having (done) 53D, 68C
give up 53B, 143E
home 74C, 125A, 126C verbs + -ing or to ... 55-58
give out 139C
hope prepositions + -ing 60, 66
giveaway 145B
hope + present simple 22B to + -ing and fo-infinitive 60C
glad (+ to...) 65C
hope and wish 41A used to +-ing 61
go I hope so / 1 hope not 51D verbs + preposition + -ing 62, 66D
go swimming/shopping etc. 63 E
hope + to... 54A, 56A expressions + -ing 63
go on holiday / on a trip etc. 127C
hospital (hospital / the hospital) 74B, go swimming / go shopping etc. 63 E
goon 53B, HOB, 141A
125A see/hear somebody doing 67
go on doing and go on to do 56B
American English Appendix 7 -ing clauses 68, 97
go out 139A
how about (+ -ing) 60A insist
go off 140D, 141C
how long ... ? (+ present perfect) 11-12 insist + should 34A-B
going to 20, Appendix 3
how Long is it since ... ? 12C insist on 62A, 136E
going to and will 23
in spite of 60A, 113
was/were going to 20D if 25, 38-40
instead of (+ -ing) 60A
gone to and been to 7C if I do... 25C
intend (+ to ... or -ing) 56C
good if I do and if I did 38
interested (in) 60A, 131C
good at 60A, 131C if I knew, if I were etc. 39
interested in doing and interested to do
good of someone to do something, (be) if I had known, if I had been etc. 40
good to someone 130A if a nd when 25D
interested and interesting 98
good a nd well 101A if + should 34E
into 126D
it's no good (+ -ing) 63A if any 85C
verb + into 136B
got (have got) 17A, 31D even if 112D
in and into 138A
gotten (American English) if a nd in case 114B
invitation (to) 129D
Appendix 7 as if 118
guess (I guess so) 51D if (= whether) 50
invite + to... 55B
imagine (+ -ing) 53, 56A
in vite somebody to something 13 6 D
impressed (with/by) 130C