Page 389 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 389


               questions  49-50                               sea (sea / the sea)  74D                      sorry
                 present simple questions  2C, 49B            search (for)  133B                              sorry + to...  65C
                 past simple questions  5C, 49B               see                                             sorry to do and sorry for/about doing
                 negative questions  49D                        with the present simple or can  4C              66C
                 embedded questions (Doyou  know                see someone do/doing  67                      sorry about/for 130D
                   what...  ?)  50A                             see off 1400                                  feel sorry for 130D
                 reported questions  SOB                      seem                                          sound
                 question tags  52                              seem + to...  54C                             sound + adjective  99C
               quite  104                                       seem + adjective  99C                         sound as if 118
                                                              -self (myself/yourself etc.)  82, 83D         space (space and a space)  73B
                                                              series  79B                                   speak (to)  132A
                 would rather 59C
                                                              shall and will  22D                           species  79B
                 I'd ratheryou did something  59D
                                                                shall I/we?  21D                            spelling  Appendix 6
                 rather cold / rather nice etc.  104
                                                                Let's ..., shall we?  52D                   spend (spend money)  63 D, 136E
                reason (for)  129A
                                                                shall and other modal verbs                 spite (in spite of)  113
                recommend  34A-B
                                                                 Appendix 4                                 start (start + to ... or -ing)  56C
                reflexive pronouns (myself,yourself
                                                                American English  Appendix 7                state verbs (like, know, belong etc.)  4A,
                   etc.)  82
                                                              shocked                                           6E, 10D, 16E, 17A
                 by myself/yourself etc.  83D
                                                                shocked and shocking  98                    still  111
               refuse (+ to ...)  54A, 56A
                                                                shocked at/by 130C                            still andyet  111C
               regret (+ -ing and to ...)  53D, 56B
                                                              short (of)  131B                              stop
               regular and irregular verbs
                                                              short forms (I'm, you've, didn't etc.)          stop +-ing  53, 56A
                   Appendix 1
                                                                 Appendix 5                                   stop someone (from) + -ing  53C, 62 B,
               relationship (with/between)  129E
                                                              should  33-34                                     66D
               relative clauses  92-96
                                                                should and had better 35B                   stupid (stupid of someone to do
                 relative clauses as object  93
                                                                should and other modal verbs                    something)  65B, 130A
                 prepositions in relative clauses  93C
                                                                 Appendix 4                                 subjunctive  34B
                 two types of relative clause  95
                                                              shout (at/to)  132D                             American English  Appendix 7
                relative pronouns  92-96
                                                              show                                          succeed (in +-ing)  62A, 66D, 136A
                 who  92-96
                                                                show in passive sentences  44A              such
                 which  92-93, 95-96
                                                                show someone how/what + to ...  54D           such and so  102
                 that 92-94
                                                                show off 141C                                 such as  117A
                 that and what 92D
                                                                show up  143E                               suffer (from)  135C
                 whose  94A, 95 B
                                                              similar (to)  131C                            suggest
                 whom  94B, 95B, 96A-B
                                                              simple past  see past simple                    suggest + should 34A-C, 55B
                 where  94C, 95 B
                                                              simple present  see present simple              suggest + -ing  53, 54A, 56A
                 of whom / of which  96B
                                                              since                                         superlative (longest/best etc.)  108
                 rely (on)  135D
                                                                with present perfect  8B, 9B, 11-12         suppose (I suppose so/not)  51D
                                                                since and for  12A                          supposed (He is supposed to ...)  45B
                 remember + to ... and -ing  56B
                                                                how long is it since...  ?  12C             sure
                 remember how/what + to...  54D
                                                                since (= because)  116B                       sure + to ...  65E, 84B
                                                              singular and plural  69,71,79                   sure of/about 131B
                 remind + to ...  55B
                                                                they/them/their used for somebody/          surprised
                 remind of/about 134E
                                                                 nobody etc.  85E, 86C, 90C                   surprised + to ...  65C
               reported speech  47-48
                                                              slightly (+■ comparative)  106A                 surprised and surprising  98
                 reported questions  SOB
                                                              smell                                           surprised at/by 130C
               responsible (for)  131C
                                                                with the present simple and can  4C         suspect (of)  62B, 135A
               rise (in)  129C
                                                               smell something (burn)ing  67D               suspicious (of)  131A
               risk (+ -ing)  53, 56A
                                                               smelt + adjective  99C
               room (countable or uncountable noun)                                                         tags (question tags)  52
                   70A                                                                                      take
                                                               so am I, so do I etc.  51C
                                                                                                              take care of 133C
               's (apostrophe s)  81, Appendix 5.1              I think so, I hope so etc.  51D
                                                                                                              take somebody in  138B
               said (it is said that)  45A                     sofhat(purpose)  64D
                                                                                                              takeoff 140
               same (the same as)  73A, 107C                   so and such  102
                                                                                                              takedown  142 A
               satisfied                                       so + adjective + that  102B
                                                                                                              take up  143
                 satisfied and satisfying  98                  so long as  115B
                 sa tisfied with  13 0 B                      solution (to)  129D
                                                                                                              talk to somebody 132A
               say                                            some  69(1,71, 85
                                                                                                              talk about something  62A, 133A
                 say and tell  48C                             some with countable nouns  71
                 say(+to...)  48D                              some and any 85                              taste
                                                                                                              with the present simple or can  4C
               scared (of)  131A                               somebody/someone/something/
                                                                                                              taste + adjective  99C
               scenery (uncountable noun)  70B                   somewhere  85
               school (school / the school)  74A               some (of)  88
                                                              soon (as soon as)  25A-B

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