Page 375 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 375

Key to Exercises

                  126.4                                         128.3                                         129.3

                  2  I got      on                              2  travelling by bus  or                      2 to
                  3  I got out of the car. /...  my car.           travelling on the bus  or                  3 in
                  4  I got      off the train.                     travelling on buses                        4 of
                  5  I got      into the taxi, or     I      got in the                                       5 in  or  to
                                                                3  taken with a very good camera
                     taxi,                                      4  this music is by Beethoven                 6 for
                  6  I got off the plane.                       5  pay cash  or  pay in cash                  7 to  or  towards
                                                                6  a mistake by one of our players            8 with
                  UNIT 127                                                                                    9 in
                  127.1                                         Example answers:                             10 to
                  2  in cold weather                            3-5                                           11 of
                  3  in pencil                                  *  Ulysses is a novel by James Joyce.        12 for a rise in pay

                  4  in love                                    *  Yesterday is a song by Paul               13 to
                  5  in capital letters                                                                      14 with
                  6  in the shade                               *  Guernica is a painting by Pablo
                  7  in my opinion                                 Picasso.                                    UNIT 130
                  127.2                                         128.5
                  2 on strike                                   2  by                                         2 That was nice of him.
                  3 on a tour                                   3  with                                       3 That was generous of her.
                  4 on TV                                       4  by                                         4 That wasn't very nice of them.
                  5 on purpose                                  5  by                                         5 That's very kind of you.
                  6 on a diet                                   6  by car... in your car                      6 That isn't very polite of him.
                  7 on business                                 7  by the bed with a lamp and a clock         7 That's a bit childish of them.
                  8 on holiday                                     on it                                      130.2
                  9 on the phone                                                                              2 kind to
                 10 on the whole                                                                              3 angry with
                                                                2  The price has gone up by ten pence.
                  127.3                                         3  Helen won by two votes.                    4 excited about
                  2  on                                                                                       5 impressed by / impressed with
                                                                4  t missed her/Kate by five minutes.
                  3  on                                                                                       6 bored with  (bored by is also
                  4  at                                         UNIT 129
                  5  in                                                                                       7 amazed at / amazed by
                                                                129.1                                         8 careless of
                  6  on
                                                                2 to the problem
                  7  in                                                                                       130.3
                                                                3 with her brother
                  8  on                                                                                       2 of
                                                                4 in the cost of living
                  9  at                                                                                       3 to
                                                                S to your question
                10  at                                                                                        4 with
                                                                6 for a new road
                 11  on                                                                                       5 with  (by or in are also possible)
                                                                7 in  or  to  working at home
                 12  In my opinion  ... on television                                                         6 to
                                                                8 in the number of people without
                 13  on                                                                                       7 at/by
                14  on                                                                                        8 with
                                                                9 for shoes like these any more
                 15  on                                                                                       9 about
                                                               10 between your job and mine
                16  at                                                                                       10 about
                 17  on                                         129.2                                        11 for
                18  in                                          2 invitation to                              12 about/by/at
                                                                3 contact with                               13 to
                  UNIT 128                                      4 key to  (key for is also possible)         14 of
                                                                5 cause of
                  128.1                                                                                      15 by/with
                                                                6 reply to
                 2  by mistake                                                                               16 about
                                                                7 connection between
                 3  by hand                                                                                  17 at/by
                                                                8 photographs of
                 4  by credit card                                                                           18 about
                                                                9 reason for
                 5  by canal                                                                                 19 with us for making
                                                               10 damage to                                  20 sorry for/about... angry with
                 2  on
                 3  by
                 4  by car... on my bike
                 5  in
                 6  on
                 7  by

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