Page 373 - murphy_raymond_english_grammar_in_use 1
P. 373

Key to Exercises

                  UNIT 117                                      118.4                                         120.3
                                                                2  as if I was/were                           Example answers:
                                                                3  as if she was/were                         3  until 1 come back
                  3  like her mother
                                                                4  as if it was/were                          4  by 5 o'clock
                  4  people Like him
                                                                                                              5  by next Friday
                  5  OK
                                                                UNIT 119                                      6  until midnight
                  6  like most of his friends  or
                     as most of his friends are                 119.1                                         120.4
                                                                3  during             9  during               2  By the time I got to the station /
                  7  like talking to the wall
                                                                4  for               10  for
                  8  OK                                                                                          By the time I’d got to the station
                                                                5  during            11  for                  3  By the time I finished (my work) /
                  9  OK
                                                                6  for               12  for
                 10  OK                                                                                          By the time I'd finished (my work)
                 11  like a bomb exploding                      7  for               13  during               4  By the time the police arrived /
                                                                8  for               14  for
                 12  like a fish                                                                                 By the time the police had arrived
                  117.2                                         119.2                                         5  By the time we got to the top (of the
                                                                3  while              9  while                   mountain) / By the time we’d got to
                  2  like blocks of ice                                                                          the top (of the mountain)
                  3  like a beginner                            4  While             10  during
                                                                5  During            11  while
                  4  as a tour guide                                                                          UNIT 121
                  5  like a theatre                             6  while             12  during
                  6  as a birthday present                      7  during            13  while                121.1
                                                                8  During            14  while                2  on
                  7  like winter
                                                                                                              3  in
                  8  like a child                               119.3
                                                                                                              4  At  or On
                  117.3                                         Example answers:                              5  on  or I last saw her Tuesday, (no
                  2  like              11  like                 3  Nobody came to see me while I was             preposition)
                                                                   in hospital.
                  3  as                12  as                                                                 6  in
                  4  like              13  as                   4  Can you wait for me while I make a            m
                  5  like              14  Like                    quick phone call?                          8  at
                                                                5  Most of the students looked bored
                  6  as or like        15  as                                                                 9  on  or  There are usually a lot
                  7  like              16  As                      during the lesson.                            of parties New Year's Eve.  (no
                  8  as                17  like                 6  I was asked a lot of questions during         preposition)
                  9  as                18  as or like              the interview.                            10  at
                 10  like or such as                            7  Don't open the car door while the
                                                                   car is moving.                            11  in
                                                                                                             12  at
                  UNIT 118                                      8  The lights suddenly went out while
                                                                   we were watching TV.                      13  on
                  118.1                                                                                      14 in
                                                                9  It started to rain during the game.
                  2  You Look like you've seen a ghost. /                                                    15 On Saturday night  or
                                                               10  It started to rain while we were
                     ... like you saw a ghost.                                                                   Saturday night (nopreposition)
                                                                   walking home.
                  3  You sound as if you're having a good                                                        ... at midnight
                                                               11  What are you going to do while
                     time.                                                                                   16  at 5 o'clock in the morning
                                                                   you're on holiday?
                  4  I feel like I've (just) run a marathon. /                                               17  on 7 January ... in April
                     ... like I (just) ran a marathon.                                                       18  at home on Tuesday morning
                                                                UNIT 120
                  118.2                                                                                          or  at home Tuesday morning (no
                  2  It looks like it's going to rain.                                                           preposition) ... in the afternoon
                                                                2  I have to be at the airport by 8.30.
                  3  It sounds like they're having an
                                                                3  Let me know by Saturday whether            121.2
                                                                   you can come to the  party.                2  at night
                  4  It looks like there's been an accident.                                                  3  in the evening
                                                                4  Please make sure that you're here by
                  5  It Looks Like we'LL have to walk.
                                                                   2 o'clock.                                 4  on 21 July 1969
                  6  It sounds like you should see a
                                                                5  If we leave now, we should arrive by       5  at the same time
                                                                   lunchtime.                                 6  in the 1920s
                  118.3                                                                                       7  in about 20 minutes
                  2  as if he meant what he said                                                              8  at the moment
                                                                2 by
                  3  as if she's hurt her Leg/as if she hurt                                                  9  in the Middle Ages
                                                                3 by
                     her Leg                                                                                 10  in 11 seconds
                                                                4 until
                  4  as if he hadn't eaten for a week                                                        11  on Saturdays  or
                                                                5 until         .. by (now)
                  5  as if she was enjoying it                                                                   Saturdays (no preposition)
                                                                6 by
                  6  as if I'm going to be sick
                                                                7 until
                  7  as if she didn't want to come
                                                                8 by
                  8  as if I didn't exist
                                                                9 by
                                                               10 until
                                                               11 By
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