Page 9 - Newsletter_Oct_2021
P. 9

your name in all the
                 Earth ( Psalm 8 )
                 All people that on   SATB/pia  Easy   General
                 Earth do dwell   no
                 We love the place,   SATB/key  Easy   General/Children’s
                 O God           board              choir
                 Now to Him      SATB/pia  Easy     General/Children’s
                                 no                 choir
                 How Great a God   SATB/bra  Easy   General
                 Let not the wise   SATB/ba  Easy   General
                 man             nd
                 Come let us sing for   SATB/jaz  Moderate  General
                 joy to the Lord   z quartet
                 How good and    SATB/pia  Easy     General
                 pleasant it is    no

                                 Nature in Song

                 Name of piece      Scored for        Difficulty
                 Hear the Cry of the   TTB/SSA/Keyboard  Moderate
                 The Eagle          Tenor             Moderate
                 Owls               Tenor Solo/piano   Moderate
                 A Mountain Song    Tenor Solo/piano   Moderate
                 The Darkling Thrush   Tenor Solo/piano   Difficult
                 Peace              TTBB a cappella   Moderate
                 Winter Scene       SATB/keyboard or   Moderate
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