Page 6 - The Wondrous Cross - CD Booklet
P. 6

1. Love Divine
          Charles Wesley (1707–1788) was an English leader of the Methodist
          movement. He is best known for writing around 6500 hymns! Of all of them,
          ‘Love Divine’ is viewed to be his most famous and beloved. In many of Wesley’s
          hymns, the work of the Holy Spirit in Christian’s lives was emphasised and
          it is true here as Jesus, at work within us through his Spirit, carries out his
          sanctifying work in our lives.
          The tune that it is traditionally sung to will depend largely on what side of
          the Atlantic you are! Left-side is ‘Beecher’ while right-side is ‘Blaenwern’ or
          ‘Hyfrodol’. My version is also congregational with the organ providing the
          accompaniment. The variation between verses is given the classic treatment
          – women, men, then all unison, choir only in harmony then rounded off with
          the good old descant!
          Love divine, all loves excelling,   Finish then your new creation;
          joy of heaven, to earth come down,   pure and spotless let us be;
          fix in us your humble dwelling,   let us see your great salvation,
          all your faithful mercies crown.   perfect in eternity:
          Jesus, you are all compassion,   Changed from glory into glory
          boundless love that makes us whole:   till in heaven we take our place,
          visit us with your salvation,   there to cast our crowns before you,
          enter every trembling soul.  lost in wonder, love, and praise!

          Come, almighty to deliver,   Words: Jubilate Hymns version of 'Love Divine,
          let us all your grace receive;   all loves excelling’ Charles Wesley (1707–1788).
          suddenly return, and never,   © Jubilate Hymns Ltd.
          never more your temple leave.   Music: © Peter Burton 2017
          You we would be always blessing,
          serve you as your hosts above,
          pray, and praise you without ceasing,
          glory in your perfect love.
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