Page 11 - The Wondrous Cross - CD Booklet
P. 11

6. Good Christians all, rejoice and sing
          My final Easter offering is by the hymn writer Cyril Alington (1872–1955). He
          was an educationalist, scholar, cleric and prolific author. He started his career
          in school education and became headmaster of Shrewsbury School then Eton
          college. The last twenty years of his working life he spent as Dean of Durham and
          was for a time chaplain to King George V. He wrote a number of popular hymns
          including ‘Good Christians all, rejoice and sing’. It is mainly sung on Easter
          Sunday, when Christ arose and there is victory! Stanley L. Osborne, hymn book
          editor, praises it stating that the verses "... vibrate with excitement, they utter the
          encouragement of victory, and they stir the heart to praise and thanksgiving".
          The hymn is most often sung to the ‘Vulpius’, an old German tune. My version
          with organ tries to capture the exuberance of the hymn by scoring in triplets.
          However, this only becomes apparent after the more reflective ‘Alleluia’
          introduction. The hymn ends on a jazzy note with a final resounding ‘Alleluia’!
          Good Christians all, rejoice and sing!   Your Name we bless, O risen Lord,
          Now is the triumph of our King!   And sing today with one accord
          To all the world glad news we bring:   The life laid down, the life restored:
          Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!  Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

          The Lord of Life is risen today!   Words: C.A. Alington (1872-1955)
          Sing songs of praise along his way;   copyright Hymns Ancient and Modern
          Let all the earth rejoice and say:    Ltd, Reproduced by kind permission of
          Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!  Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd rights@
          Praise we in songs of victory   Music: © Peter Burton 2019.
          That love, that life which cannot die,
          And sing with hearts uplifted high:
          Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
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