Page 12 - The Wondrous Cross - CD Booklet
P. 12

7. A song was heard at Christmas
          We now have a selection of Christmas hymns or carols. Our first is by the famous
          Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926). He is one of our living hymn writers and, at
          the time of writing, had reached the grand old age of 94! He has written over 400
          hymns with notable ones such as ‘Tell out my soul’. An ordained priest, he served
          his earlier life in evangelical offices until becoming archdeacon of Norwich then
          bishop of Thetford.
          On his summer holidays he would often write a carol to be included in his annual
          Christmas Card. ‘A song was heard at Christmas’ is wonderfully constructed. In
          each verse, we look back to an aspect of the Saviour’s birth but then reflect on its
          influence today through changed lives in praise of God.

          Dudley-Smith often chose well-known tunes to go with his carols and hymns.
          Here he chose the modern hymn ‘Holy Apostles’. My version is up-beat and here
          scored for piano and string quartet. The first two verses follow familiar lines with
          choir unison, women, and then men unison. The third verse is more reflective
          and the choir sings harmony a cappella. A string interlude brings us back to the
          final rousing verse with descant.
          A song was heard at Christmas   A star was seen at Christmas,
          to wake the midnight sky:    a herald and a sign,
          a Saviour's birth, and peace on earth,   that all might know the way to go
          and praise to God on high.   to find the child divine.
          The angels sang at Christmas   The wise men watched at Christmas
          with all the hosts above,    in some far eastern land,
          and still we sing the new-born King,   and still the wise in starry skies
          his glory and his love.      discern their Maker's hand.
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