Page 18 - RCS_Brochure_PDF
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Frequently asked questions
arGo vehicle
We now have two Argo type 8 wheel all-terrain vehicles mainly for use on the Moors. These are available for anyone
who may find walking difficult. I would stress that not all our lines of butts and pegs are easily accessible by an Argo
however we do keep walking to a minimum.
breakFast, lunch and reFreshMents
Breakfast, lunch and refreshments are a very important social part of any shoot day and I feel that in order to fully
appreciate and enjoy the company of the other guns and guests, it is important to join them and not spend too much time
on your mobile phone or by rushing off at the end of the shooting, unless there is a valid reason to do so.
bullshot reciPe
By popular request I am pleased to give details of my own recipe for “Bullshot”. This is available under “Useful
Information” on our website
charity Fund
All proceeds from our daily sweep, non-shooting guest lunches and fines are donated to our Shoot Charity Fund. Each
season we raise in excess of £10,000 (in our 2014/15 season we raised an amazing £16,690 and in 2015/16 £16,500!).
The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust GWCT received a major part, with the remaining distributed to worthy causes
allied to Field Sports, or local to the Shoot.
Felt or fibre wads only please, no plastic wads. There will always be suitable 12 and 20 bore cartridges available for
purchase on the day. Non-toxic cartridges in 12 and 20 bore will also be available when we shoot duck and geese.
directions, MeetinG locations and start tiMes
The location of meeting places and start times are detailed on your booking confirmation, with directions and maps
included on pages 14 and 25 to 30 of our brochure.
doGs and PickinG uP
Guns are most welcome to bring their own dogs, however it is most important to keep them pegged during a drive if you
feel there is any possibility of them running in. Once the drive is over the dogs (and owners) may do whatever they wish
provided they keep count of what they have picked. Although we have a very experienced team of pickers up, guns will
always have the opportunity to work their dogs provided they work closely with the pickers up.
double Guns
We normally shoot only single guns but double guns may be shot on a Roving Syndicate Day if the host wishes and on
any full grouse day.
dress code
It is important to add to the sense of occasion and dress smartly out of respect to our quarry, gilet or jacket, tie, breeks,
waterproof coat and cap. However dressing sensibly and comfortably is more important in our variable climate. I
suggest boots in preference to wellingtons.
dressed GaMe
At the end of each shoot day guns will receive a brace of dressed and chilled game of their choice, ready for the oven or
freezer. On Grouse days the birds will be in feather.
drinks breaks
We take a number of drinks and pie breaks throughout the day and as the weather turns colder we also provide my unique
brew of bullshot which is most welcome on a winter’s day. Champagne, Sloe and Damson Gin are also served, which
must be taken in moderation. Soft drinks and other snacks are always available.
exclusive MeMbershiP
As in previous seasons this will be available to everyone who book days to the value of £2,500 or more before VAT during
the season. Full details are available on page 11 of our brochure and on our website.