Page 19 - RCS_Brochure_PDF
P. 19

FallinG birds
             The Shoot cannot accept any responsibility for damage cause to property or injury, i.e. vehicles or person, from falling
             birds.  It is often the case that in a flush of birds it may be difficult to know for certain who has shot each bird.  Yourself,
             your guests and vehicles attend the shooting field at your own risk from falling birds.

             Fines and taxiderMy
             We have released a number of white pheasant and white partridge at Ripley Castle and Mountgarret.  If you shoot either,
             a fine of £25 will be levied and donated to our Charity Fund.  If you would like the bird or any bird you shoot mounting,
             the cost is £50 for our Charity Fund and £100 for the taxidermist.  We have a good stock already prepared for you to take
             one with you on the day.  Fines may also be levied by the team on the day for habitual use of mobile phones and other
             trivial offences!

             There should be nowhere on our Shoot where you will get your feet wet if you are only wearing boots.  That is of course
             unless you wish to cross a stream, I have not worn wellingtons on our Shoot for over ten years and recommend boots and
             gaiters to be an ideal combination.

             Four Wheel drive courtesy vehicle
             As more and more guns are travelling some distance to shoot with us, often in a normal two wheel drive vehicle which
             is unsuitable for travelling around the shoot.  We now have available with a driver a long wheel base Land Rover Station
             Wagon on each of our Shoots at Ripley Castle, Mountgarret and Eagle Hall/Moors.  These vehicles will seat up to five
             passengers comfortably.

             Each vehicle is available at no cost to the guns and their guests.  However prior booking is recommended to ensure space
             is available.  Your dogs may travel in our Keepers vehicles.

             Four Wheel drive vehicles
             There will always be adequate parking to leave your car all day and everyone is welcome to bring their own four wheeled
             drive vehicle, there is no restriction to the number on the day, however I prefer no-one to be on their own, unless this
             is necessary for private phone calls etc.  If you travel to the Shoot by car, there is normally space available in the other
             guns vehicles for you to travel with them or in our courtesy Land Rover.  However please bear in mind that not everyone
             wishes to give a wet muddy dog a lift in their vehicle so your dogs would travel with my Keepers.

             Four Wheel drive vehicle hire
             We are able to offer a bespoke self drive or chauffeured service provided by a local company; 4 x 4 Solutions.
             Contact: Nikki 01423 323335  E-mail:   Web:
             Self Drive                                 Chauffeured
             All Land Rover/Range Rover models          Transfer to/from airport, hotel, estate
             Delivery to your location                  Shoot day driving and loading
             Airport meet and greet                     Luggage transfer and storage
             Fully comprehensive insurance included
             Short and long term options
             Season discounts
             all and on theh Moor

             Guests, shootinG and non-shootinG
             Guns are most welcome to bring either shooting or non-shooting guests, Ladies or Gentlemen, just to enjoy the day, as a
             day with the Shoot is just as enjoyable for non shooting guests as it is for the guns.   It is important that any gun or guest
             gun with limited shooting experience must be accompanied by a friend who is an experienced shot or an experienced
             instructor or loader in order to assist them on the day.   It is also important to ensure that any shooting guest has the
             required £10 Million, personal liability insurance in place prior to the shoot day.  If you are bringing a non shooting guest
             some prior notice is necessary in order to plan the catering for the day.

             Gun cleaninG
             At the end of each shoot day facilities are available for all guns to be cleaned.  Although this service is offered by our
             shoot staff, you may use the facilities to clean your own gun if you wish.  A small gratuity may guarantee you will get
             your own gun back!

             Guns Fielded / tarGet baGs
             The majority of our days are sold by the gun per day to individual guns or small parties and it may not always be possible
             to sell every gun on each day.  We will field a team provided we have six guns or more; however we reserve the option
             to adjust the target bag in line with the number of guns fielded.

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