Page 101 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 101

CURiCUla aND          SoCial          aDDiTioNal      FUTURE NEEDS.
              Co-CURRiCUla          WElFaRE         RESoURCES

                                                                  Leadership: Leadership training for the  LRC
                                                                  Infrastructure: A science laboratory, a library, sports facilities, renovation of 21
                                                                  classrooms and electrification of four blocks of classrooms, a feeding scheme
                                                                  kitchen, a multi-purpose centre, an administration facility, an ablution facility
                                                                  Curricula and Co-Curricula: Computer training, Science resources  and physical
                                                                  science educator development programme, Library books and  librarian training
                                                                  and school Furniture
                                                                  Social Welfare: School uniforms and food parcels

           Mathematics educator
           development   programme
           Science resources
           and science educator                                  Infrastructure: Shaded parking and pavement, fencing, burglar doors for all
           development programme   Global dignity                classrooms and offices, net shading and pavement for assembly area.
           Accounting  educator   club            Dictionaries   Curricula and Co-Curricula: educator development programmes in  language
           development programme                                 and literacy, ICT programme, Library books and librarian training, sports
           Learner supplementary                                 resources and sport coach training and calculators
           programme in
           Mathematics, Physical
           Science and Accounting

           Mathematics educator
           development programme
           Science resources      Global dignity                 Infrastructure: A school hall, sports field
           and science educator   club            Dictionaries   Curricula and Co-Curricula: ICT programme, Library books and librarian training
           development programme                                 and sports resources.
           Learner supplementary

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