Page 103 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 103

CURiCUla aND          SoCial          aDDiTioNal      FUTURE NEEDS.
              Co-CURRiCUla          WElFaRE         RESoURCES

                                                                 Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and teambuilding
                                                                 Infrastructure: a library, a school hall, a science laboratory, a computer
           Mathematics and Literacy                              laboratory, an art room, classrooms, an administration facility, renovation of
           educator development                                  classrooms, carports, paving and sports facility
           programme                                             Curricula and Co-Curricula: ICT programme, Library books and librarian
                                                                 training, educator development programmes in natural science and  language
                                                                 and literacy and science resources and sports resources.
                                                                 Social Welfare: Vegetable garden, OVC support programmev

                                                                 Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and teambuilding
           Mathematics and Literacy   Visual Support             programme
           educator development                                  Infrastructure: A school hall, a computer laboratory, renovation of the school
           programme              Programme                      Social Welfare: OVC support programme

                                                                 Infrastructure: A Grade R facility, renovation of  the  ablution facility,
                                                                 renovation of  the  classrooms, a feeding scheme kitchen, a library, a science
           Mathematics and Language               Grade R        laboratory, a computer laboratory.
           and Literacy educator                  resources      Curricula and Co-Curricula: educator development programmes in natural
           development programme                  Library books  science, Library books and librarian training, ICT programme ansd sports
                                                                 Social Welfare: Vegetable garden and environmental programme.

           Mathematics laboratory                                A new needs assessment to be conducted
           resources and training

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